I am stupid and gave up on editing nucleus to another gamemode


L5: Dapper Member
Apr 24, 2008
Hello there.

To make a short story long, in the Reddit /r/tf2 map discussion thread there's a bit of talk where nucleus would be pretty cool as a player destruction map (including me).

Over the week I finally got to boot up Hammer again, downloaded the vmf of the decompiled koth_nucleus map from the forums, and tried to make a pd version of that. I thought, hey, it's not that hard, I can make the clamp thingy open/close for an interval, change the gamemode, and it'll look good!

Well it seems like it went a little (actually a lot) over my head because now I made a technically functional pd_nucleus (which is cool) but the map itself became a mess visually (which is not). This might not be much to an average to good mapper, but my life obligations (and burnout after work) and almost-completely forgotten Hammer skills nowadays prevent me from taking the time into focusing more towards this map, as minor as it may seem. So, I'm abandoning this (yes, after a week - I am turrible), but I feel that there's sufficient interest for people to play pd_nucleus to have it made.

I'm not sure about the policy here nowadays to make edits towards existing Valve maps since I was last here - I suppose it's okay. If mods do not see this as appropriate, please feel free to take it down.

But anyway, anyone interested with better mapping skills (probably the majority of the people here) are free to take up on this project, and claim it as his/her own edit of nucleus, and release to the public thru their own means and/or Steam Workshop, but be sure to post here and claim it so we don't have 20 pd_nucleuses in the Workshop. You may credit me if you wish, but I am fine either way. You may also make any changes as you deem necessary (eg spawn exits).

The vmf and bsp are here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1806760/pd_nucleus_a3.zip

Things that are messed up:
http://i.imgur.com/li7QEVe.jpg - Huge pop-in issues with the props outdoors
http://i.imgur.com/3QJjWV7.jpg - Black bars on the walls (I can't find out why after looking back and forth in Hammer)
http://i.imgur.com/Jjck0Zh.jpg - Same as above
http://i.imgur.com/ZDEf1oK.jpg - A much brighter map now, likely because I deleted all the areaportals (in frustration) due to weird visual bugs in the decompiled map

Also the point opening/closing messages I made weren't popping up for me, and the beer bottles I used were stock, so they'll look funny as their models are rooted to the ground when dropped. But as said, the game mode works fine otherwise.

Edit: HolySnickerPuffs is going to take a stab at this.
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Dec 19, 2015
Decompilers always fuck up the map in general so you can watch how every single thing is done and works, but you can't just take it and compile without such problems.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
I think I'll take this up. Is that alright?


L5: Dapper Member
Apr 24, 2008
Decompilers always fuck up the map in general so you can watch how every single thing is done and works, but you can't just take it and compile without such problems.

I'm well aware of that, so yeah, I know the risks involved. I did make some edits back and forth but I'm also quite afraid that I'm messing up the map more than it was. Sadly there's no Valve original vmfs of this map to work on.

I think I'll take this up. Is that alright?

If you're interested, please feel free to go ahead!


Feb 14, 2010
Kinda fun fact is I thought the same thing (I made PD) and put the first prototype gamemode on nucleus as well. Might actually be some version conflicts with playtesters here at tf2maps if you use pd_nucleus'_a0' , '_a1', '_a2', '_a2a'. Can see some of it's dev in the picture album of pd here: https://imgur.com/a/Yq1PF

Actually it seems I have a demo recording of the first playtest too which might be cool to compare to your final version afterwards. o_O

Edit: Ok nevermind the demo crashes the game when you load it up.
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L5: Dapper Member
Apr 24, 2008
Kinda fun fact is I thought the same thing (I made PD) and put the first prototype gamemode on nucleus as well. Might actually be some version conflicts with playtesters here at tf2maps if you use pd_nucleus'_a0' , '_a1', '_a2', '_a2a'. Can see some of it's dev in the picture album of pd here: https://imgur.com/a/Yq1PF

Actually it seems I have a demo recording of the first playtest too which might be cool to compare to your final version afterwards. o_O

Edit: Ok nevermind the demo crashes the game when you load it up.

Sorta thankfully mine starts at a3, since a1 and a2 are only in my computer, so unless you do have an a3 tested then I don't think there'd be a conflict?

Personally I think nucleus fits PD very well...and I really like that you got this idea to make a team DM concept with a goal!

But anyway I'll leave it up to HolySnickerPuffs on this.


L16: Grid Member
Jun 8, 2015
Kinda fun fact is I thought the same thing (I made PD) and put the first prototype gamemode on nucleus as well. Might actually be some version conflicts with playtesters here at tf2maps if you use pd_nucleus'_a0' , '_a1', '_a2', '_a2a'. Can see some of it's dev in the picture album of pd here: https://imgur.com/a/Yq1PF

Actually it seems I have a demo recording of the first playtest too which might be cool to compare to your final version afterwards. o_O

Edit: Ok nevermind the demo crashes the game when you load it up.
So from what game did you "copy" watergate? Also do all pd maps need this logic https://i.imgur.com/RkY4uA4.png ?


Feb 14, 2010
how in the name of all that is holy did you manage to keep this lot straight in your head?

It was actually kinda unfortunate because initially I plowed through the logic until I ran into a small bug and had to go through it all one step at a time to see which part was broken since debugging things this complex is not easy in hammer. So first set up took like 5 days, bug fixing took 2 months.

The core of it is based off of ABS' associative entities that he wrote up here: http://tf2maps.net/posts/298658/ - if you read through part 2 of that and understand it (took me 3 days to comprehend it, don't worry) you'll get an okay idea how I made at least a part of the PD logic.