
MVM Humbridge rc1

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016
Elizabeth submitted a new resource:

Humbridge - (Yet another) British mvm map

Humbridge is a reskin and overall rework of the TFConnect Contest 2nd place map, Humburg. Improving the overall visual quality whilst expanding and improving areas that were rough around the edges.

The map has 2 distinct routes that are never too far apart from one another. With bots either taking a more direct approach via the top route and going over the bridge, or going under and weaving through the bridge supports and the train...

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016
Elizabeth updated Humbridge with a new update entry:

Expanding the front

- Reworked the bot spawnyard to be less condesned and more flexible in hold styles
- Further artpassing

Known issues
- Bots taking the lower route may take the staircase in botyard rather then following the main route. Potentially could be a stuck spot
- Spies are able to spawn in the tank area

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016
Elizabeth updated Humbridge with a new update entry:

Funny radio music :)

- Further artpassing and asset creation for trainyard and train station
- A radio has been added to the forwards upgrade, there is 2 tracks that play depending on what route the bots will take.
- Tracks are both produced by Non The Ninja
- fixed a problem where bots would try to pathfind up the small stairwell at their spawn
- Added 2 relays that can be used by mission makers to select specific bomb routes for a given wave

POP CHANGES (Broken parts pop only)
- Wave 1 has been tuned to not...

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016
Elizabeth updated Humbridge with a new update entry:

Teeny fix

Uploading myself because Liz is asleep

-Added a Blue Team respawn brush to the tank spawn to stop Spy bots from spawning in there
-Made brush signs in the train station non-solid
-I aligned that one sign in the train station where the text wasn't centered and it was really annoying me like I don't know how I messed that up like it was off center and I kept on asking people "do you think this is off center?" and they would look at me like I was crazy and I felt like I was going mad like...

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016


L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016


L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016


L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016
Elizabeth updated Humbridge with a new update entry:

And everyone's voice

- Added a radio model to replace the placeholder gray cube at the forward upgrade station (Texture TBD)
- Assortment of nav fixes
- Added nobuilds to several crate tops to prevent sentry buster abuse
- Removed a crate by lower museum exit
- Clipping fixes
- Removed shadows from some props that were causing weurd shadows
- Fixed lighting errors with some brushes in the gameplay space.

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016
Elizabeth updated Humbridge with a new update entry:

I've had a gray haze for a long time though

- Finally remembed to add fog
- Impelemented basic 3d sky
- Added pickups to house and catwalk on top route.
- Scaffolding added to the left of bridge
- Expanded the nook in the Tudor building on bridge
- Added a jump from outside pub to get onto bridge (all classes can do this without upgrades)
- Improved clipping on bench at front and in the pub to smooth bot movement and improve sentry buster reliability
- Split large pack in train station into 2 sets of medium packs, 1 on the road and...

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016
Elizabeth updated Humbridge with a new update entry:

A new shine

- Fixed the light enviroment not matching up with the sky texture, map should be more brighter in most key areas
- Re-enabled shadows on most props
- Added 2 new spawn points, spawn_invasion and spawn_tank
- Updated the nav in multiple areas along the top route
- Assets are a step closer to being completed
- Fixed a bot stuck spot around bridge
- Fog has been retuned to not be as strong
- Further optimisation passes

- dl now includes a small info file of relevant relays and entity names for...

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016
Elizabeth updated Humbridge with a new update entry:

Some old, some new

  • Old lighting from past versions has been restored.
  • Skybox texture changed to actually make sense with the old lighting direction this time around.
  • Experimental changes to bot yard to try and make the space play nicer.
  • Left rock is now a raised ledge with better cover.
  • Main dropdown is now seperated from tank spawn by another raised ledge.
  • Further artpassing around hatch area.
  • Train car added to bottom route to give more cover and more things to play off of within...

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016


L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016


L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016


L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016
Elizabeth updated Humbridge with a new update entry:

Sub 100mb !

  • Changed Non the Ninja's custom upgrade station music from .wav files to .mp3 files to reduce map file size (sub 100)
  • Re-did several out of bounds detailing (in part to have buildings which more thematically fit with the surrounding area
  • Updated hatch's artpass with brand new fences & hedges
  • Re-did the skybox mostly from scratch to replace the previous temporary placeholder
  • Fixed player shadows pointing the wrong direction (forgot to change it when we went back to our...

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016
Elizabeth updated Humbridge with a new update entry:

RC prepping

(Hopefully the second to last version hoping RC just needs some minor adjustments)

  • Near complete artpass of the level with lots of new custom assets
  • Fixed shade smooth lighting on several custom props
  • Fixed asset file paths & compressed a lot of storefront signs into one VTF to save space
  • Replaced some older custom assets and textures with new models/textures & higher resolution UVs without as much wasted space. (Easier than just fixing the old ones)
  • I've been working...

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016