
CTF Horsebread Alpha 6 - True Attack Defense Now

Jan 29, 2016
Gismo Gaming updated Horsebread with a new update entry:

Alpha 2 - Biggie changes


Red and blue have forward spawns now (Red when point a isn't caped, and blue when a is capped) to help reduce walk times for both teams

Completely reworked the point B to account for new forward spawn

Re textured some of first point near blue spawn to have blue textures (was getting sick of the red all over the ground)
Fixed texture alignment in water texture
Adjusted first point's small health pack and ammo to reduce the amount of space the cover gives
Fixed charge point for...

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Jan 29, 2016
Gismo Gaming updated Horsebread with a new update entry:

Alpha 3 - 3 Point Madness

Added a third point, in between the preexisting point A and B, deming it the new point B.
Red now has two separate forward spawns to help reduce their walk times, totaling 3 different spawnrooms for them (for each point).
Blue now 3 spawn areas, the previous starting spawn room, a forward spawn within that room for point B attack (like pl_upward), and a newly revamped middle spawn that is for point C attack which is in front of point B.

Minor changes to the layout to better accommodate the...

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Jan 29, 2016
Gismo Gaming updated Horsebread with a new update entry:

Alpha 4 - Bells

Kind of a small update, purely visual with some improvements in the VScripting.

Added bells on point capture
Added a few more spectator cameras on the map
Moved side entrance near spiral that goes into fireplace room to provide a bit more cover entering it
Added better clipping around Blue's second intel pickup spot
Added a new window in Blue's last spawn (you know, aesthetics)
Added C banner to point C to fit in with the rest of the points
Added a taller fence near Blue's side...

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Jan 29, 2016
Gismo Gaming updated Horsebread with a new update entry:

Alpha 5 - Screw this, we go true medieval!

Screw it, we go full medieval mode

Yeah, no more white listed weapons or anything like that, just pure medieval mode madness

Adjusted a handful of health kits to consider the native HP kit on kill that medieval mode offers. (Mostly just large -> medium and medium -> small kits near primary engagement points)

Adjusted clipping and un shorty some of the fences near the last point.

Changed the large ramp leading to point C into two separate ramps which should reduce...

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Jan 29, 2016
Gismo Gaming updated Horsebread with a new update entry:

Alpha 6 - True Attack Defense Now

Yeah, I give up on the a/d ctf and it's shortcomings.

In other news, I can't seem to change this map's category

Migrated to just pure attack-defense logic.
Added a forward spawn room for blue after they cap point A.
Reworked blue's left flank to point A to fit in the new spawn room and to adjust where they come out from.

Simplified the staircase near the gate for red to be much simpler and quicker to navigate back onto the right route.
Reduced respawn times...

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