

Old Hat
Nov 12, 2007
If someone with hundreds of posts and a solid community presence exhibits bad fellowship, like Nerdboy or Engineer, we tell them to back off and chill out. If someone with one post and no established credibility comes in intentionally stirring up trouble, that's a troll and gets dealt with accordingly.

The majority of posts in this thread from this community's members have provided significant detailed feedback about things wrong with this map and areas that need to be improved. This is particularly true for Ankh.

If you want to be a part of this community, then learn from what people are saying here. If you have a beef with the way things work around here, take it up with the admins, or start a new thread in a more appropriate forum, like Mapping Discussion or Front Desk.

Every new mapper has to learn how to take (and filter) harsh criticisms or they'll never improve. I don't want to see a thread that has legitimate discussions about a map's merits and flaws be derailed by overzealous friends of the mapper who think they're rallying to his defense.


Oct 25, 2007
jesus christ...

our lucky winners today were nerdboy and pctoolbin.

requirements for being winners:

1. post useless crap in the maps section.
2. taking it upon yourself to try and out-insult a member you have a problem with. (send me a pm.)
3. engaging in bad fellowship will also make you a winner.

have a wonderful day.


L7: Fancy Member
Jul 16, 2009
I know Wyn, you got to remember from nNn lol
Just saying hello


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
The problem here is that I don't see any potential in this map, and thus I can't give any encouraging comments.

It's goal is to be a orange(_x)-ish map and that is quite below the minimum effort standard usually seen on this forum.

I think there has been a lot of great comments in this thread, explaining what's wrong with this particular map, I stand by what I wrote in my previous input and I sincerely hope you do better with your next project.

But basically: More potential = More positive comments.


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 10, 2009
There's a pretty big gap between your goals for this map and the goals this forum has for the maps posted on it. I'm happy for your clan if you guys enjoy playing on it, but here it won't be treated any different than any other map. I will say that even if visuals are a low priority, I think your clanmates will enjoy the map that much more if you spruce them up. Since you guys seem to like things like the HL2 barrels and rainbow tunnel, embrace it. Try to make your map seem self-aware of what would normally be a disaster in the visual area.

I do hope that in the future if you're looking at completing a more serious mapping project you'll come looking here. That kind of goal meshes much better with this crowd.


L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
I warned you wyn.

Maps that are similar to the design and idea of orange_x3 will be frowned upon here. Your best bet is to post this on fpsbanana, ask for this post to be deleted, and then create a real map with effort and such to post here (if you release something of value, many won't know your name and say "oh, wyn is another one of those trolls." Change their opinion with a good, solid map). It is fine to release a dev map. If you plan on taking criticism and changing it, and you want this to be a map that normal, respected people play, note that. Update screenshots with better lighting. Don't use...rainbows (oh god, really wyn!?). Most of all, do not name it a colour.

I know you can do better.


L1: Registered
Dec 3, 2009
well, there are a series of maps made like this, and they are all named colours because the colour is the main identification factor; there is a purple, green, blue, and several oranges


L13: Stunning Member
Sep 30, 2009
The only good maps like this we're the original ones and the one released last week in my opininion, :)

This is very boring as your pallet is just green.
You could make it improved by maybe having green tinted valve textures or something then maybe we'll be more impressed but as of now i think this community does not like this map because it's boring and it may be a remake of orange but orange's texture pallet was alright and that's why it did ok.


L1: Registered
Nov 22, 2009
Changes I made to ad.

Redid roof. (No water and other stuff)
Added a ghost in the dark room. With sounds (Pissed me off).
Filled the corners by the elevators.
Changed water textures from basement to dark room.(Can see other people not in water from inside water).
Tunnels on sides that lead to the first cp. There is a door halfway to health and ammo. (Anti-sniping measure)
Walls at ramps going to the tower with 2 windows in them. (Anti-sniping measure)
New sky-box.

Skies re-download and play. (With other people -_-)