This. Looks. Epic. Will do a final (by the looks of it) run-though if thats aight. Edit post later
Ok so the thing I have circled is some boxes, sorry I was in mat_fullbright 2
Great job on the map, man. It looks like it will be positively awesome. Here's just some quick stuff I noted but couldn't really put in picture format(namely my paint-mouse-writing "skills").
Firstly, I noticed that there were very few ways to get on to the buildings with the ramps in between. This may be on purpose, but seeing how the only way on is even a bit subtle, as of now I can't see too much activity on it.
Secondly, the null texture in place of the gold looked really, really shiny, if that's the case with the cold allow me to advise against it and keep the spec. map a bit more shiny than the sandstone. Also, keeping the bump map/uv map for the hieroglyphs, but using the gold texture would be awesome.
Thirdly, some areas of the map seem like the player has to navigate somewhere not obvious to the point where it seems almost wrong to go that way. This is namely the intersection of the corner of the building (that you can hop up via barrels), the spawn tunnel (with the iron windows) and the pillars. I just get this "off limits" vibe from it.
That's all I have on the top of my head. I can't wait to see this map in gameday, especially with some more detail in the betas. The 3d skybox is great too.
Thanks for great feedback!
Looks like pakrats autoscan failed me oh well. I didnt really work on optimalization just yet. Ive redone buildings on the side, i guess some clips got misplaced. And i will add more clips and change stuff that blocks. ill see what i can do about those glyphs.