Feedback Time. Not a lot to nitpick about for this one:

-The snow blend texture used throughout the map has odd black dots in it. I don't recall these being part of the texture nor really know why they would be there.

-Are each of the cables supposed to have their own switch? It just looks odd to have them both on the same line while having a second line that doesn't go to anything

-You can set the barrels in the loft to use lightmaps in order to get rid of their odd shadows


-Beams on this wall could use some clipping. It's also hard to tell that there's glass in these small windows used throughout the map

-The fog transition is pretty obvious from inside to outside. Could probably have it change from one to the other farther inside the buildings to help hide it.

-Can hit your head on the lip here

-corner could use some clipping

-I can get inside there on top of the kegs. Doesn't really do anything for me but I can still get there unlike the similar location on red side

-one side has 2 tanks, the other has only 1. Makes for some asymmetric clipping

-I 100% get not letting people shoot over this arch here as it would make for a heck of a sightline to the blu window area, but having it blocked by something invisible is just confusing. It looks like you should be able to shoot over this thing, but you can't at all. I'd suggest finding a way to block sight between here and the upper window and opening up the rest of the arch to be shot over by demos n such.

-far wall basalt pillars pop in and out when standing on this roof

-the white pillar slightly sticks out from the clip so I still bump into it.

-remove clipping from signs
-odd how the rubber just kinda...stops on the edge here like this. Could maybe use a computer on the lower level or a pillar to hide where it stops
And that's all for now. Only other thing I can think of is that while the map is very pretty, I find the outside lighting to be a bit too bright and harsh on the eyes. Dunno if it's the lighting itself or the reflection from the snow textures but I find it to be a much.