
CP Fortezza b14

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Jun 22, 2016
The new flank was really dark and i didnt notice it for most of the test.

Attacking on this map is really frustrating because of the lack of information you have to work with while pushing through chokes. Both points have 180 degrees of hiding spots that you have to clear at the same time while pushing and most of the gameplay was just people jumping out at me from random corners. There were multiple ubers on me as demo where i had to spend most of it searching around for where the sentry and power classes were hiding. Thinking of conventional maps like hardwood or gorge, the routes into a point tend to provide a lot of visual information while peaking and you can usually clear things one at a time without putting yourself at major risk.

A lot of the flanks are unusable as a demo because they are tiny hallways with a bunch of blind corners and no easy way to back out if there happens to be a soldier or pyro sitting there.

Surprise plays are a part of tf2 but in most maps you have to put in work to catch players off guard. On this map you can surprise players just by coincidentally rolling out into somewhere they werent expecting.
I'm pretty happy with the overall macro layout of the map as it is, so a lot of these issues won't be fixed in major ways. I did however attempt to alleviate some of them in the latest update, mostly just simplifying layout in spots and widening spaces. I also did a lighting pass so hopefully it still won't be too dark.