I thought nothing could get uglier than that anime-haired "Guybrush Threepwood with boobs" monstrosity created by a guy who loved the phong shader too much. I was wrong.
This is just downright hideous, especially the mask which seems totally out of place. Can we get a SINGLE decent female model that isn't anime? "Cartoony" doesn't necessarily mean anime. If you think it's impossible to make a female equivalent of the classes in TF2's art style without it being anime, you're sadly mistaken. In the meantime, until people come to this revelation that all the TF2 players who CAN'T model know, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop advertising these sorts of things.
EDIT: I spoke too soon. It's much, MUCH better with the new reskin. I'll even overlook the anime bit and assume it's keeping in tone with TF2's stereotypes, in this case, that there's lots of famous Japanese architects and engineers. Still, the mask has to go.