Dynamic Storm Prefab

Dynamic Storm Prefab V1


L2: Junior Member
Feb 10, 2022
This recreates the Hard Rain storm in TF2 with a prefab library. There are comments and notes in the VMF that explain things. If you need help, feel free to ask.

Included in this download:
1. sdk_stormlogic VMF
2. Particle Manifest
3. Soundscape Script

Example Maps:
Hard Rain: Sugarmill Escape
Granary Storm
Unknown Ridge

This prefab uses:
TF2Maps Swamp Pack
Yrrzy's Modular Weather Particles
Left 4 Dead 2 Sounds
tools/sugarmill_rainy_fog01 for skysphere fog (from my Github)

For convenience, you may want to add a Disabled field for env_soundscape_proxy as it is used extensively in this prefab. You can use the following code in your fgd. Further information on the VDC: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/.fgd

@PointClass base(Targetname,Parentname) sphere() size(-1 -1 -64, 1 1 -8) sidelist() iconsprite("editor/env_soundscape.vmt") = env_soundscape_proxy : "An entity that acts like a soundscape but gets all of its sound parameters from another env_soundscape entity." [ MainSoundscapeName(target_destination) : "Soundscape Entity" : "" : "The soundscape to get all sound parameters from." radius(integer) : "Radius" : 128 // NEEDHELP: The datadesc doesn't include this entry. Probably not used. StartDisabled(choices) : "Start Disabled" : 0 = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] ]
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L4: Comfortable Member
Aug 4, 2019
hey, i can't get this to work properly. the logic seems fine, but the only sounds that play are when a storm happens, and the general rain soundscape never plays. the game isn't even recognising most of the custom soundscapes. compilepal also doesn't pack in all used sounds, and ignores the soundscapes file entirely.

There's also a few other oddities, such as the stun water not working, and botched rendering on this water.
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L2: Junior Member
Feb 10, 2022
hey, i can't get this to work properly. the logic seems fine, but the only sounds that play are when a storm happens, and not when the general ambient plays. the game isn't even recognising most of the custom soundscapes. compilepal also doesn't pack in all used sounds, and ignores the soundscapes file entirely.
Here’s my at a glance troubleshooting diagnosis: I did not include Left 4 Dead 2 sound files because I don’t want to distribute what I don‘t own from that game. The prefab requires you either to source those .wav files yourself or substitute them with something else, otherwise it won’t play anything.

Second, ensure you have a soundscape file with your map’s name in the correct directory (scripts/soundscapes_mapname). This will work without needing to pack assets.

There can be other issues, but Occam’s razor is a good starting point. It’s also vital to familiarize yourself with the soundscape system. If you still have no audio, give me some more information and I’ll try to help.


L2: Junior Member
Feb 10, 2022
There's also a few other oddities, such as the stun water not working, and botched rendering on this water.
In the areaportal note, I explain that this happens because areaportals can’t render while intersecting water planes (this seems to be fixed in later Source games). To fix it, you need two areaportals, one for air and one for water, otherwise they will cull the water as seen in your image. So essentially, clip the AP into two brushes at the water intersection, and tie them as entities individually. (If the AP in the vmf was made wrong, I apologize and will fix it when I can)

The waterstun (trigger_stun) was used to slow down RED players in Super Zombie Fortress and ignore BLU players. You can clear any team filter so it will affect both teams. Also, I remember it needs a minimum speed penalty percentage somewhere of 15 or 30% or else it has no effect on non-Scout classes.

If there are still any issues, you can refer to the example maps which the prefab was derived from, Granary Storm being the more generic one (which I should make a download for its assets now that I think about it). I’ll take another look when I can and document the prefab better, since it’s supposed to be how I personally used it and not totally right out of the box as is. I think Team Fortress 2 Classic added storm sounds recently if you don’t own L4D2 to source from them.
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