Dustbowl Pro

CP Dustbowl Pro Pro A1


we've all had better times to die
Feb 10, 2017
people just can't seem to grasp it, how can you have a pro map without frontline assets in it? if the bsp isn't nearly 100mb because of the frontline custom content and it doesn't have landmines or explosive barrels in every choke, can you really call it a pro map? if only more mapmakers had such impressive goals as sunrisewatcher who works tirelessly to bloat the filesize of every valve map with frontline assets and cluttering the layouts with tank props, sandbags, and half the other props found in the zoo, to make sure that every comp player has the perfect map to play on. I hope to see cp_gorge_pro in the coming weeks, and it'd better be at least half a gigabyte with anti-ship mines filling the ditch underneath A.