
CP Drypine RC1


Oct 25, 2014
Uncuepa submitted a new resource:

Morale - An A/D 3CP set on an ominous mesa

Second stab at an A/D CP map - this kind of map is really out of my wheel house so interested to see how it plays. Worried about scale and timings, will see.

When B is capped, a door between A and B opens, allowing for Blu to continue using the original spawn room now with faster rotation times. Last is very gravel pit inspired but with some more interesting geo around the bottom.

View attachment 183079
View attachment 183078
View attachment 183073...

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Oct 25, 2014
Uncuepa updated Morale with a new update entry:

Alpha 2

- Redesigned A point, moving it from the back corner onto a new bridge from the large door to the hut
- Added an underpass route from Blu spawn, under A. Also adds new high ground and courtyard
- Shrunk but opened up backside of A hut
- Increased set up time by 10 seconds
- Increased max round time from 6 minutes to 10 minutes
- Added red forward spawn into the connector building between B and C, roughly 10 seconds quicker travel time A for red
- Fixed buggy cap zone on C
- Adjusted upper...

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Oct 25, 2014
Uncuepa updated Morale with a new update entry:

Alpha 3

- Readjusted wave respawn times, when A is capped Red team is force respawned
- Raised upper left spawn exit for Blu to a platform with cover
- Added an additional rock for cover on the cliff ramp by A
- Closed off door at corner of A into Barn connector
- Widened part of one of the corridors in Barn connector
- Moved stairs from lower B>C connector to upper B>C connector from lobby into it's own room, allowing attackers to gain some ground
- Added shack to cliffside B>C connector, widened...

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Oct 25, 2014
Uncuepa updated Morale with a new update entry:

Alpha 4

- Readjusted respawn wave times, Blu should have a slightly easier time capitalising kills on A, Red should have a slight advantage setting up on B as soon as A caps
- Redesigned A>B Connector Barn, more 'barn-like' gameplay included
- Added new route from Barn to Cliffside near B, bypassing the previous sniper valley. Flanks are now possible!
- Adjusted ground texture, still unsure if exact theme but there's an itty bitty bit of grass near A
- Adjusted some cover around B to hopefully allow...

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Oct 25, 2014
Uncuepa updated Morale with a new update entry:

Alpha 5

- Reopened A hut window because it just plays better with it open :)
- Rearranged rock cover on A to be better for attackers
- Adjusted walls of A Bridge to better allow attacker movement under bridge
- Added ramp from lower to barn
- Changed Barn > B main entrance to be wider and more open, adjusted cover nearby
- Added some props to B cliffside underpass to visually indicate it's not an open route
- Adjusted respawn wave timing a little
- Red now use forward spawn on B for the first 30...

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Oct 25, 2014
Uncuepa updated Morale with a new update entry:

Alpha 6

- Changed name from Morale to Drypine
- Once again, adjusted respawn waves, much shorter across the board now
- Widened staircases in both A>B and B>C connectors
- Widened cover on attacker highground on B
- Expanded right highground flank into C
- Adjusted clipping into B>C connector window to confuse people less
- Raised cliffside fence on B to prevent easy airblasts
- Added cover to prevent not-yet-abused but POSSIBLE sightlines
- Added/adjusted some minor detail for fun :)


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Oct 25, 2014
Uncuepa updated Drypine with a new update entry:

Alpha 7

- The dead horse is really taking a beating, I've adjusted the respawn wave times for B :)
- Removed the well door on A, added crate cover in the middle of the room behind the main door to prevent funky peaking from the stairwell into loft
- Added hallway around the main room in Barn A>B
- Rotated staircase from Barn Basement to Main
- Adjusted geo in lots of tiny ways in Barn
- Opened one of the windows in the Barn cliffside flank walkway
- Adjusted attackers B-site highground cover once...

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Oct 25, 2014
Funny little devlog thought dump :)

Morale/Drypine has been very much a testbed for me, trying ideas I've never tried and early TF2 style buildings. The last few versions received a lot of negative feedback in particular to how it felt to play attacker between A and B; and so after the last playtest I decided to create a second branch. Titled radical, I began by deleting the entire A to B connector barn. It was cramped, it was easily held by defenders, and the angles on which the barn exited onto B were odd.

Then I put away the project for 6 months! Coming back to a project with fresh eyes and no attachment is the absolute best way to make a change.

First things first, Blu spawn and A is being completely moved. Rather than a counter clockwise spiral of a map, its going to be more of an S curve, rotating A and blu spawn 180 degrees around to exit into B on the opposite side it did before. Next, B are is getting a huge facelift, with more simpler geo, newer routes, wider terrain and some fun flanks. Rather than B opening a shortcut door, Blu are getting an actual forward spawn AND capturing B unlocks a train, that will enter the map by Blu's forward spawn and run all the way along into C. Blu can jump on and ride to last, but red will be gatekept by... gates and trains, from flanking back the same way. A and its connector into B are going to be redesigned too, so all points will have some big shake ups. I'm looking at how can I make the most interesting but fun control point map, a gamemode I have very little experience in designing for.

The theme will remain a fun blend of farm/dustbowl/alpine, with each area having its own unique feel I think! Anyway, this has been a fun thought dump, perhaps I should make a video documenting the development of Drypine version to version. I would love to get this map into beta and artpass it, obviously getting to RC quality before May 1st is every mappers goal right now, but with my carpal tunnel issues and workload, I'll how I go... here's some funny little screenshots!



Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
Pretty please use this? :3


Oct 25, 2014
Pretty please use this? :3
I just might!


Oct 25, 2014
Uncuepa updated Drypine with a new update entry:

Alpha 8 - Radical Overhaul

- Completely redesigned A point and A>B Connector
- Rotated position of A + Blu Spawn 180 and entering from opposite side of B courtyard
- Revamp of B, simplification of geo and retooling of connectors
- Added Blu forward spawn to replace removed A>B gate shortcut
- Added trains that begin running once B is capped by Blu
- Trains run from B forward spawn through to Red Last Spawn
- Trains can be ridden to last!
- Skybox texture swapped to trainyard01
- Honestly so much has changed it's...

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Oct 25, 2014
Uncuepa updated Drypine with a new update entry:

Alpha 9

- Adjusted respawn wave timers
- Adjusted cover on blu right spawn exit
- Added walkway hallway to first point
- Adjusted A>B Connector to be easier to navigate and less chokey
- Adjusted pickups around A and B
- Added directional arrows in the most confusing areas to assist
- Readded areaportals
- Minor texture and func_detail adjustments


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Oct 25, 2014
Uncuepa updated Drypine with a new update entry:

Alpha 10

- Fixed missing clip brush above blu spawn lol
- Adjusted clipping across map
- Added additional signs for direction
- Adjusted func_details no draw faces
- Added new route alongside train line behind B
- Repositioned all spectator cameras
- Adjusted train timing and sounds
- New cover on last for trainline and highground
- Map no longer has 2 suns


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Oct 25, 2014
Uncuepa updated Drypine with a new update entry:

Alpha 11

- There are now 5 train variants, all uniform-ish in length
- Trains run 50hu faster and come 3 seconds more often
- Trains are less loud
- Changed train gate building to be 2 gates further apart, one between the B>C connector side door and B connection, with an exit only trigger for defenders to use before B is capped
- Left-side lobby by traintracks into last is redesigned and larger
- Lowered last point by 64hu, should be much easier for attackers to shoot up at defenders
- Reworked cover...

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Oct 25, 2014
Uncuepa updated Drypine with a new update entry:

Alpha 12

- Adjusted many spawn points to spawn closer to doors (cuts down the tiniest amount on travel time lol)
- Lowered respawn wave time for blu attacking second
- Opened up bunker window by A to allow crouched players to fit through
- Blocked balcony corner of A point to prevent the REALLY strong sentry spot
- Began detailing pass of A point, just testing but also got really sick of the feedback about thick beams
- Adjusted under>A point staircase and added a drop down doorway into A>B connector...

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Oct 25, 2014
Uncuepa updated Drypine with a new update entry:

Alpha 13

- Fixed the one tree in gameplay space from being stood atop
- Closed the lower flank A doorway into A>B connector, it was a fun test but the new forward spawn made it kinda useless
- Opened and simplified the main hall of A>B connector to hopefully make it feel less confusing/hallway like (its just 3 rooms)
- Adjusted mid train gates to be closer towards B, added open triggers to both gates before B is capped
- Added new entrance to B>C connector along train track, replacing the old B>C...

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