davy (pre-alpha title)


L4: Comfortable Member
Oct 26, 2009
NOTE THAT THIS MAP IS NOT READY TO PLAY: BLUE TEAM IS NOT LOCKED IN DURING SETUP. I did this to facilitate exploration as I really don't think this is ready for playtest.

NOTE 2: Sorry about no screenshots, I'll upload some tonight as well as a more permanent download link, as that one will expire in less than 24 hours.

NOTE 3: if anyone has an idea for a name I'd appreciate it :bored:

Hey there, after playing basically since launch I've decided to take my hand to the Hammer and try this whole "making your own map" business.

It's a pretty simple single stage attack/defend control point map, blu as attacker red as defender as normal. Blu must capture A to unlock C and then capture C to win. Capturing B in the narrow cliff valley in between will extend a ramp to C, which will definitely help since C is surrounded by a bottomless pit, with only a narrow winding ramp and a lower, less desirable ramp to get there. Capturing A will also unlock a passageway directly from blu spawn to a bunker in the second area. Each point owned by blu will improve their spawn timer slightly.

THE TWIST: Red team can re-cap B, un-deploying the ramp and hopefully crushing some enemies in the process.

I'd really like any sort of feedback at all. Keep in mind that ALL TEXTURES, LIGHTING ETC ARE TEMPORARY, DISPLACEMENT CLIFFS NEED EXTRA SMOOTHING/ROUGHENING IN PLACES, AND UGLY SIDE WALLS NEED TO BE REPLACED BY 3D SKYBOX. The map is also not yet optimized, I need to place nodraw behind displacement cliffs, add hint brushes etc. comments saying that the textures are bad and the level looks ugly will be ignored and aren't really helpful at this moment, please try to focus on overall layout. In particular I'd like some feedback on pickup placement (ammo/healthboxes)

that's all I can think of to say right now, I'll edit this if I think of anything else important.
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L13: Stunning Member
Sep 30, 2009
Well i dont hink anyone can really think of a name with no storyline to the map.


L4: Comfortable Member
Oct 26, 2009
Don't worry too much about the name, I'm more interested in people's thoughts of the map itself.


Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
Why did you release it if it's not ready for play.


L4: Comfortable Member
Oct 26, 2009
my apologies, I can take this down if its in the wrong area. I wanted to get some feedback on it before I considered it a playable beta. And I'll take some screenshots tonight


L4: Comfortable Member
Oct 26, 2009
Added some screenshots.


L1: Registered
Apr 23, 2009
I enjoy the twist idea. It should have been done already, so its nice.

This level is beautiful and don't let anyone tell you other wise.