
L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
Nice map, fun to play and I love the moving skybox.


I think you should change a lot of the enemy 'Intel"signs to battlement ones, as it can be pretty confusing having intel point two directions, like here.

Also I also have a feeling you should shorten the middle section (The big inside area with the pool) lengthwise as it is a fair way from one end to another in the map for slow classes like heavy.

Edit: Also the FPS wasn't horrid, but it wasn't great ever. I would suggest adding some more optimisation to the map to make it run smoother.

Keep up the good work :)


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
Add a super-gentle shake entity.

Deepen the pool.

NEVER, EVER add nobuild to the vents.

Otherwise, awesome, beautiful map.


L1: Registered
Mar 23, 2009
I was just done playing b4b and i noticed a couple of things.

-the middle area (with the pool) makes me take a large fps hit compared to most of the other parts of the map.

-some steps on the way to the blue intel room from the deck of the ship sill have dev textures.

-there is a lack of health, when i was playing i found it difficult to pick out the places that there was health when i saw a spot with ammo i waited for health but had no luck, maybe some small health kits scattered with the ammo closer to the spawn. (sorry if there were i have never played the map before to explore allot)

Other than these the map was fun and the engies seemed to never be overpowered which is a good thing.


L2: Junior Member
Jul 15, 2009
Besides perhaps more arrows, more health and more ammo, I could think of very few things that would improve this map, since it's fun to look, fun to play, and I have to imagine that making the ship sink at the end of the map would be impossible to achieve. Really, this is a pretty great map.
One small suggestion that I might make would be to add "no lifeguard on duty" signs to the walls on the side of the pool, if you could manage to get a texture like that.

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
We're playing the new version (b4b), and the ocean water is still real-time reflections :O

Since I posted here last I got a brand new gaming rig, and I'm getting lots of lag on this map. I don't know what to tell ya other than that.


L1: Registered
Aug 17, 2009

I have to say this has to be one of the sexyest, most beautiful maps which is genuinely playable for a good competetive game....and CTF too!...

My ONLY problem
You are not able to control the mp_timelimit using a map.cfg file...
For example I have multiple map.cfg files for every map hosted on the server configured independently.

If I create a ctf_cruise_b4b.cfg with the mp_timelimit "70" this does not change the round timelimit to 70 minutes, it appears to use the default of 20 minutes per round which is a little annoying!

apart from that, this map is spectacular, PLEASE FIX MY PROBLEM! and I will openly admitt I could be homosexual for 2 seconds of my life...1 second to say omg and 2 to download it lol

Sorry, just a little excited by this map

PS - I'm not homosexual lol