

L2: Junior Member
Oct 25, 2007
I suppose you could but it wouldn't stay there long, and it isn't like people will fall off of the thing unless they don't look where they are going first.


L2: Junior Member
Jan 14, 2008
This looks great! I really like the contrast of the Bue CP and Red CP over the lava pit.
I am just a bit worried that the two CPs I am talking about (the ones with the T intersection paths) seem a bit confined and may be too small for the larger severs. I could be wrong though.


L2: Junior Member
Jan 14, 2008
Really cool map, I like the cris cross design.
Can I suggest you add a method to help the attacking team to find the next CP? They could come a bit confused and as the map is fairly small may cause some pwnage for the defenders.
You should also consider some more alternate routes, there is really only 2 entrances into each area. The map needs to be a bit larger as well or its going to be really tough for the attacking team.

Overall I like what you have done, maybe no HL2 textures :)

Keep it up mate!