-Disconnected the 3 areas next to the spawn doors at red's last to make spawn camping less useful. The routes should generally push blue to pass through E more.
-Made B, C, and D slightly smaller.
-Increased the height of the B point and made the route from the red's B spawn door a little longer to limit retake potential.
-Provided more cover to the attackers as to let them establish a place to attack B from without getting flanked.
-BC door opens slightly slower, AD doors open slightly faster and have been adjusted a bit.
-Added dropdown from C to a pit near E to make up for CD connecter being gone.
-A bit more cover on C
-Removed a couple ramps & a bridge in E room to limit the amount of options and chaos around the point. This and other changes should limit the chaos a bit on E.
-Adjusted the ramp on BE to try to provide a place where blue can hold and push from.
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