
cp_dequonposition_72hr a3

IAmSixSyllables BR

L1: Registered
May 17, 2021
cp_dequonposition_72hr - What could go wrong when missing textures are "leaked"?

a 3CP A/D map for the 72 hr jam.

Several barrels of missing textures are toppled, spilling the missing textures. Many of the textures are reverted to older ones, and the map deteriorates as more textures become broken.

IAmSixSyllables BR

L1: Registered
May 17, 2021
IAmSixSyllables BR updated cp_dequonposition_72hr with a new update entry:

Big changes to texturing, layout.

Several map components had missing textures, and I finally got around to removing all of the broken ones and making them okay again.

  • Moved back the spawn, added very basic shack area near the left side.
  • Redid house layout at second, no clue how good it will be though.
  • 3rd is unchanged, but I'm hoping for feedback on improving it, still not sure exactly what I want to do with it.
  • Door opening system after each cap should be fixed.

Read the rest of this update entry...