

L11: Posh Member
Mar 4, 2009

Made by J4CK8

Now it's finaly moved out of the alpha stage and into beta, though it never really was on your side... I mean never really was alpha.

If the map makes you think of a map you've played somewhere else, like on Call Of Duty 4 for example, with a name similar to Showdown... then don't say anything :p.

I would like some feedback/suggestion, before I start to release _rc, on things like:
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L2: Junior Member
Mar 25, 2008
Looks cool, but the download link doesn't seem to work for me...

Definitely willing to try it out.



Nov 25, 2008
*By optimized, I've added areaportals and some hint brushes and generally cleanedup parts of it but it's still going to be laggy inside the building because of the amount of props.

But it looks much better with the lighting. Take photos with AA on next time please :p


Jan 6, 2008
P.S ignore the fact its a1, I don't usualy change map names very often and it's not in alpha. It will be changed if/when more changes are made.
Are you saying that the filename is still koth_courtyard_a1? Never release several maps with the same name, because if someone has a map that differs from the server's version, they can't play on said server. Or if you mean the name listed in this thread, then nevermind. :p

It looks rather on the huge side, but fun nonetheless.


L11: Posh Member
Mar 4, 2009
Are you saying that the filename is still koth_courtyard_a1? Never release several maps with the same name, because if someone has a map that differs from the server's version, they can't play on said server. Or if you mean the name listed in this thread, then nevermind. :p

It looks rather on the huge side, but fun nonetheless.

I released arena_courtyard, then 2 other maps were released with the name courtyard, so this map is just the original courtyard uplaoded to tf2maps made into KoTH if you understand.

I don't think it's really huge, but thinking about it, it is big in some areas. And whenever I play it there is no lag at any part of the map with a constant 100+fps.


L1: Registered
Feb 8, 2009
Still say Courtyard is your best map by far, it just plays so well. Plays subtly different as koth, which I think may be for the better. Still, need to play it with lots of people to make sure.


L11: Posh Member
Mar 4, 2009
<- Updated to b1 ->

And featured on fpsb!!!
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L11: Posh Member
Mar 4, 2009
<- Updated to b2 ->

Starting to get lonely in here now. :(


Dec 5, 2007
Whilst it was quite fun to play, all the figting ended up happening in the outside areas only because fighting in the indoors parts was suicide, no one can tell what team anyone is on, I on numerous occasions ended up running for my life from a teammate who actually needed me to heal them - not a good situation to be in.

I'd sugest reducing the size of the outdoor areas quite a lot and lightening the indoor parts a lot as well as reducing the intensity of the red light a fair ammount.


L11: Posh Member
Mar 4, 2009
Whilst it was quite fun to play, all the figting ended up happening in the outside areas only because fighting in the indoors parts was suicide, no one can tell what team anyone is on, I on numerous occasions ended up running for my life from a teammate who actually needed me to heal them - not a good situation to be in.

I'd sugest reducing the size of the outdoor areas quite a lot and lightening the indoor parts a lot as well as reducing the intensity of the red light a fair ammount.

I've tried on a couple of occasion to make it lighter, but i hadn't thought about reducing the intensity, thaks, I will try it.

I didn't really notice much fighting around the outsides, but I'll try think of a way to reduce the size, and make the outsides look a bit more interesting.

I know about that, it usualy happens on my map...what am I doing wrong? The visualizer has nodraw on the sides, and a playerclip brush parented to the door. Is it the playerclip brush that is allowing that?


L3: Member
Aug 6, 2009
There's quite a bit of work to be done here, but some aspects of the map are fun.

As Youme said in an earlier post above, most of the combat takes place outside due to the ability to see your enemy in a clear light, something which isn't so simple inside.

Again, as stated previously, the outside is enourmous, most KOTH maps I've played seem to have a spawn point, and several routes leading to the battle zone; this map seems to have a spawn point, several ways to the battle zone, and a lot of open space outside and away from the battle zone where people, who although aren't helping by capturing the point, can atleast attack and flee from each other knowing who their enemy is. (The other problem with being able to go anywhere outside of the battle zone is that spawn camping proved too easy)

Sorting this out shouldn't be too difficult, if you do more to the outside part of the map to either encourage or force people to go in to the battle zone, this would be a good start. The next solution is of course to light-up the inside somehow so that people can see clearly who they are fighting, obviously the players' colours are different enough that you can tell them apart inside, regardless of lighting, but you want to make it clear enough for players that they can instantly tell each other apart :).

Still, this was certainly an interesting playtest, and I didn't dread playing it as I would normally with KOTH maps, it just needs improvement, as do most things.

Good luck, and keep it up!


L11: Posh Member
Mar 4, 2009
<- Updated to b3 ->

Any help with getting the 3d skybox sand to match the same brightness of the normal sand?


L11: Posh Member
Mar 4, 2009
Lookin' Good, can't wait to get a shot at playing it :)

Thanks, I think it will hopefully be on next weeks EU gameday, 3rd time in as many weeks :D and hopefully no complaints :)
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