Cosmetic question: How do I make a specified layer paintable?

Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
OK, So I asked around on Steam Discussions to no avail. I know TF2Maps deals more in mapping than cosmetics but I dunno where else to ask.

I'm trying to make my first ever cosmetic for TF2 workshop. A wig for Scout. Honestly, suprised I got this far with it, the second most difficult part was orienting it onto Scout, I had to do it manually with trial and error on the .smd file.

The most difficult part which I am still stuck on is texturing. The texture consist of two layers, a monochrome, transparent layer that serves as shading and detailing and a background layer which is suppose to be plain and/or blank.

What I'm trying to do is make the background layer paintable but not the second transparent layer.

(See Attached File .png for examples.)
0- The original 1084 texture with a brown base. Noticed the transparent layer over the brown is complimenting the shading and detailing but not over-powering the colour? Thats how I want it, but paintable.
1- If I just make it a flat .tga and use it as it is the paint will correspond to the dark shading of the monochrome layer while the lighter details will be completely lost in the paint.
2- Here is when I tried to do it with alpha channels. I can "sort of" seclude the monochrome layer however that layer becomes completely grey and less transpartent making the hair appear more aged than it needs to be. If I wanted to, I can reverse it to make the whole thing grey/white with paintablle shading and markings but thats just silly.

I did try to follow this guide I found but either I did something wrong or it doesn't work, given I tried to follow it and neither TF2 Import or HLMV showed the results I hoped.
So is there anyway I can make a specific layer of a .tga unpaintable?


  • Untitled.png
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Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
It's been 3 days and no one yet responded to my problem. Is an impractical place to have asked my question? I mean, the website name is self-explanatory and all but was hoping someone may still help. I already asked on TF2s Steam Workshop discussions (both of them) so I do not know where else to ask thatI haven't already.

I can answer questions on the problem if it'll help.
So far, from GCPScaping other files, I figured out that I can add "$bumpmap" to the models main .vmt to apply a second .vtf but for some reason I cannot set the texture family in the TF2 imports QC file (until I import it and unzip it in which case I dunno if a is guaranteed on rezipped items)

I've been messing around with $bumpmap but I've yet figured out how to make it work. I do not know if I am setting the alpha channels correctly or if I am just doing it wrong.
I wsh TF2 Beta import just makes it easier. An option to add non-paintable .tga over a paintable base or something. I would of been finished ages a go if it was that easy.


L4: Comfortable Member
Aug 12, 2016
It's been a while since I've tried making a hat, but try the TF2Maps discord, plenty of cosmetic creators there. People also check and respond to questions more on discord than small threads
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Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
It's been a while since I've tried making a hat, but try the TF2Maps discord, plenty of cosmetic creators there. People also check and respond to questions more on discord than small threads
I know it sounds wierd in this modern age of internet, but I've never been the sort for such sites as Twitter, Facebook and Discord. I should probably get on those wagons someday but just not my croud. I was hoping for forum help.