Cops & Robbers (Game Mode Prefab)

Cops & Robbers (Game Mode Prefab) 4.2


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
Lacry submitted a new resource:

Cops & Robbers (Game Mode Prefab) - Be a Cop or a Robber, or both at the same time

A simple gamemode in the vein "cops and robbers". It includes 2 types:
-Single: One team chases down opposing team, while the other tries to survive until the timer runs out.​
-Duo: Both teams have to wipe out the opposing team, or the most.​

This is still very early in development so any feedback is greatly apreciate.

-Lacry: Logic + Switch​
-Seacat: Particle + Hologram​

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L6: Sharp Member
Jul 7, 2022
Here's a simple breakdown I wrote up about the mode for sharing to anyone curious in the full gameplay of it:

In cops and robbers players play on two teams. the Cops and the Robbers. With this mode there are 2 variations, single and duo.

In single the robbers have to evade the cops for as long as possible, and the cops need to eliminate all the robbers.

In duo both teams fight to eliminate each other fully.

It's similar to arena with a catch, on kill players aren't out of the game. If a robber presses the button located below a prison cell/cage at any time they can free their captured teammates and bring them back into the game.

The goal of the cops is to prevent this and lock them up for good.


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
Lacry updated Cops & Robbers (Game Mode Prefab) with a new update entry:

The Fix Update

-Updated the hologram​
-Resized the switch trigger​
-Added lines for last man standing​
-Improved the text​
-Players will now glow in the last 30s of the match, so its easier to find them​
-Teams now switch roles after a round (only in Single)​
-Fixed some minor oversights (mostly with doors)​
-Fixed Force Respawn not working properly​

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L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
Lacry updated Cops & Robbers (Game Mode Prefab) with a new update entry:

The rewrite update

Rewrote most of the Vscript to improve stability and to include new features. On top of this we added temporary music, updated cell logic and designs, new icons that highlight players at 30 seconds left and much more!

Feel free to check it out with the updated prefab map and contact us if you're interested in learning more about the mode and our plans!

-The CR team

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L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
Lacry updated Cops & Robbers (Game Mode Prefab) with a new update entry:

The controlling update

The controlling update​

Logic updates, bug fixes and a brand new button design!​

We listened to player feedback and switched the button design from a single press to a capture point design which takes 2 seconds to cap. Additionally we fixed a majority of bugs, added stability and new assets. The button also now gets marked when players are in the jail cells, the counter on the hud is bug free now and the icons work.

Make sure to welcome Le Codex to...

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L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019