alright, so school, as usual, has been kicking my ass. The quarter ends in just over a week, and I'm getting excited to try and push A3 through during the break, and finally submit something to a gameday.
anyways, this post is a list of things I have planned for A3, in hopes that if I forget something someone who is familiar with the map might remind me of something, if not, this is a permanent place to keep a list, I seem to have lost all my notes during a move :/
Changes planned for A3:
-CP zones replaced with entirely new geometry (some of which can be seen in the video above)
-Varying intel values removed
-New spawnrooms to make side exits more noticable
-Shorter Spawntimes
-Setup time (starting at 30 seconds, CPs locked during setup, and start out neutral)
-Hybrid CTF/CP hud, intel zone text is being removed (although the intel reset counter will remain)
-Dynamically enabling/disabling capture zones based on intel location. (This still needs to be tested, but should help guide players to the nearest available capture zone.)
-Custom Holograms for all CPs, with custom bodygroups that can be toggled to show the CP as not earning production
-Custom CP icons to hopefully use the locked states to show CPs not earning production
-60 second timer used for enemies near your CP, after 30 seconds it should use the above icon and model to alert your team it is "sapped" (sapped meaning someone is there blocking the intel and production, but isn't contesting the CP). This timer will count backwards to 0 at half speed when an enemy is no longer around (so stepping off and back on as spy won't reset the timer)
-New model based signage, to dynamically show CP ownership, as well as directional signs (signs that can show the CP, an arrow, and have that change to red/blu/neutral
Anyways, thats the plan... Hopefully my classes go well and I can begin soon.