

im birb
Apr 14, 2009
Yay, i finally bothered to make a thread (and make my map some-what thread worthy)

Anyways, here's my map. My goal for this map was to make an indoors map that is both scout and sniper friendly while not being too wide open. I personally don't know how it will play out, but i want to get all stages done before entering it into a gameday

The theme ofcourse will be spytech, but i want to try to keep it "clean". Like Mirror edge's indoor levels

Things to do:
Effort with lighting because i just stuck light entities randomly
Stage 3
Ammo and medpacks
Entities for stage 2
Gain an attention span
A better name

Stage 2 part 2

Hopefully if i have no more unexpected 5-day trips i can actually work on my map more
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im birb
Apr 14, 2009
I'm thinking about canceling this map because the layout is horrible and messy. There are too many paths and no "main" path. i let my friend play in it and he said he got lost. And the fact that i dislike push ctf because the wins come by surprise.