Cinder Caves

CTF Cinder Caves A4


L2: Junior Member
Dec 31, 2015
Cinder Caves - A compact medieval CTF Keep-Away map set in a cave with lava pits.

Hidden away in a doomed dimension, one where even Merasmus dares not to enter, lies a mysterious grey briefcase. Within this cave that this artifact is contained, there is a curse that strips artillery that it deems not worthy of Ye Olde Times. Now, the mercenaries of RED and BLU must obtain the briefcase to break the curse, and send their team home.
This is a compact, Medieval CTF map using Keep-Away rules, meaning that a timer counts down whenever someone holds the neutral briefcase. Whoever holds the briefcase when the timer hits zero will be awarded a point for their team.

Features in this map include an unique way for the briefcase to spawn in, lava pits that can incinerate the briefcase, causing it to reset; short respawn times, and compatibility with the Bot Overhaul mod.

Everything's in the BSP file, so all you have to do is put it in your tf/maps folder, then load it up in game! Enjoy!


L2: Junior Member
Dec 31, 2015
After I uploaded A1 earlier, I realized that Spies with the Dead Ringer can avoid being shoved off the middle platform when it rises. In this new version, I added a failsafe that kills anyone riding the platform into the sky.

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L2: Junior Member
Dec 31, 2015
After a week or so of refinement, a new section of the caves have opened.

Every subround, the caves get a different gimmick that gives players a new option to reach the upper floor.

One subround may have jump pads in the central room...

Another subround may have ramps for Demoknights...

Yet another may have pillars to parkour off of...

And another possibility is for scaffolding to be built in the outer ring.

The spawn rooms and pickup rooms have been updated, too.

And as a bonus, the old caves are still playable during setup time and Waiting for Players!

-Added the New Caves

-Play space is now bigger, hopefully supporting up to 24 players!
-Includes four new gimmicks that get randomly chosen each subround

-Charge Ramps
-Jump Pads

-Adjusted Intelligence Spawn Point

-Now resets into ceiling quicker
-Also lowers slower
-If someone rides the platform into the ceiling, they will be killed, and the intelligence will be reset

-Old Caves

-Now a deathmatch arena during setup time and Waiting for Players
-Removed Intelligence Spawn Point
-Removed pickups
-Spawn rooms are now consistent with the new caves' spawn rooms
-Bots stay in spawn while in the Old Caves, they will start moving when teleported to the New Caves

-Map-wide Changes

-Adjusted lava

-Now bounces players on first touch
-On consecutive touches and long dives, incinerates players and intelligence, resetting it

-Made lights more consistent
-Setup time is now 30 seconds

Give it a test, and let me know how it turned out!
Thanks, and have fun!

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L2: Junior Member
Dec 31, 2015
Now that the cave is brighter, the entryways to the inside start to come to fruition.



-Made all lighting sources brighter
-Added HDR lighting
-Added cubemaps

-Map Changes

-Map size has been cut in half thanks to repacking
-As a result of those ignoring the warnings of a platform lowering towards them, the floor underneath the intel pickup platform has been stained with blood.
-Added an extra torch

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