

L13: Stunning Member
Sep 30, 2009
Maybe use a drill model. Check the downloads section.


L3: Member
Dec 3, 2009
I loved this map a lot and I thought the middle points were beautiful but there were one or two things I would like to point out.

FIX the blue spawn!!!! When I would spawn in I was stuck in the floor, unable to move without switching class a few times. My advice is to raise the spawn points up off the floor a few inches.

The first red spawn is really confusing. the doors look like the walls. They are cool doors and all, but please just make them metal gates like all most all maps have.

I think you really went over board with your medkit placement. You picked some really good spots for medkits, its just you put so many medium medkits around the place that its really hard to kill the defending team. Please take out a few medkits or at the least switch a few of them to small medkits.

I really like the balcony around the building closest to the 2nd point. Do you think you could add more areas like that? Maybe make a bridge that goes over the tracks?

While I was running around near the blu spawn I saw a graphical glitch on the floor. It looks like you have something going through something else right to the left of the blu spawn on the left side of the tracks just as they leave the main cavern area outside of the spawn.

The rocks around the first spawn look really boxy and cube like. You need to do some displacement work. Besides that I loved the area up on the rocks. Maybe you could make a rock bridge up there that goes over the tracks to the other wall and put a small medkit on it.

The last stretch of the map as incredible hard to defend because there was not many routes to use. Also the walls looked really bland and empty. Maybe make some catwalks that go over the tracks in some spots like the one at the last point and add a route on the left side.

Besides these things, I thought it was a beautiful map.