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VScript change sky_camera script V1


L2: Junior Member
Sep 24, 2022
gidi30 submitted a new resource:

change sky_camera script - for when having only one sky_camera is not enough

A script for changing the sky_camera that a player sees

How to use:

Download change_sky_camera.nut and put it in tf/scripts/vscripts

Then in Hammer add a logic_script with the name of the .nut file as the Entity Scripts keyvalue (dont forget to give the logic_script a targetname)

Next give all sky_cameras a unique name (by default sky_cameras dont have a name keyvalue so you have to add it with smartedit off)

To call the scripts functions you do...

Read more about this resource...
Oct 6, 2008
Yes, but whatg does it do?


L1: Registered
Feb 20, 2025
Absolutly great, loves your work!
Would have to see if i can change the fog color with mutiple skycameras for each fog color variation thoe it would end up being a lot of skycameras.
Would be great with a simple script, or add a function to only change the fog color of the skycamera.