

L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
I had some other work to do (sci-fi related) hence the lack of news. I'm gonna try to rush a quick version for internal gameplay testing in a few days.

I've been wondering if I could make at least a part more oasis like, to allow for water and displacement scenery but it looks like too difficult to incorporate in the current layout. I'd rather focus on detailing the topmost areas in later versions.


L3: Member
Jul 12, 2008
Ah, I was just wondering about this map! Good to know it's still being worked on, I very much so look forward to a public release :thumbup:


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Alas, the gametest was a failure since the map apparently crashs the server after a random delay (we couldn't link it to a specific player action). Testers reported to me it didn't happen during solo testing.

I've checked the compile log (the bsp at least) and found nothing suspicious, there was only a calc_triangles error due to some props (valve ones). So I've done another version with the little nodraw/player clip fix people asked me to do but I'm stuck until some admin can find the truth in the server logs. Since the map is fairly simple (very few scripts, custom props and textures, no fancy entity) I'm quite puzzled.
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L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
The origin of the crash seems to have been found out. It originates from a displacement based dome above the last point zone. Whenever people fire various kind of projectiles in this zone (in the rooms under the dome) the server and client gets some unhandled exception. Putting the dome (in a normally unreachable area) as ignoring physic collision seems to have solved the issue. Test must follow

EDIT : issue sucessfully fixed. The map is ongoing gameplay stresstests for some days...
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L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Thanks :)

I've added download path to the latest update, and the first semipublic version of the casablanca. This update is only partially detailed

Things I'm already aware of
-issue with floor tiles too shiny on some areas (cubemap issue)
-Rooms around the Red spawn are probably too dark. Lack of detailing and props may give the whole zone a labyritic feeling
-half of the map is currently undetailed.

Gameplay feedback is welcome :p. I'd just like to add what I want to achieve with casablanca : a map with more flanking and alternatives between outdoor and indoor figh than average. Don't ask for some heavy choke points :)
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L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008

Issues list (continued)
- the window prop above point A seems to impede shooting.
- there is a room with a stair that needs jumping along the A-C axis
- the little room wi the U shaped corridor between B and C may drive people to jump, and feels unnatural.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Generally, the gameplay seems sweet on both A and B capture point.
Some people complained of an issue with blue team cutting their reinforcement passages as shown under :

The Red spawn exit leads to a room behind the main CP zone. They have to take two U shaped routes to reach the point (I think undirect routes create more interesting action). But the blu team, whenever they use the two flanking routes, can end up into this room

I may set door on both exits of this room, without impeding blu passage. Maybe this trick could be enough to deter spawncamping. Alternatively, I may set up different sized triggers for the doors : large ones for RED, and tinier for blu -> red passage would be smooth whereas Blu would have to halt movement.

Ultimately I may end up reworking all this areas by putting the red spawn on the top left corner as in this picture

In that case I would set up 2 doors (marked "D") usable only by red team. Access to the spawn would still be possible by using the direct routes to the CP zone (yellow arrows). These routes would end up behind some kind of protection (the more white area on the CP zone), which coul be also used as higher ground to jump on and use creatively as soldier/demo/scout

I'll wait more feedback before taking either direction in the next release.
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L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Updated to revision b7c

* added two doors to create a more tangible separation between fight area and red spawn exit
* fixed a window bloking fire above capture point A
* fixed a mandatory jump into one room
* added ammo on point A and C
* added smal balcony above B
* reworked the higher passage between B and C : it leads to a L shaped stairway and allows more option for blu attackers : pic below from the C viewpoint

The red spawn modification described above is likely to be done in next revision
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L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Tonight schedule :

The issue of blue intersecting the red reinforcement route is still true.
I'm going to work on a totally new last CP configuration but for now, I'm going to fix this issue in a simpler way

I'll simply add two Red Only doors at the places marked "D". The red reinforcement routes (red arrows) will be safe without using visualizers. The Blu attacks routes will be more concentrated in the front of the last CP (blu arrows)
In the meanwhile, to give the spave behind B more weight, I'll move this room toward the CP (yellow arrow), it will serve more as a defending and passage zone. I may open a new corridor toward the L shaped terasse above this CP.

Once the final CP seems to work in a great way, I'll go on with the second round of detailing. This zone will feature small garden-like zone (red spawn), more palace/temple like part (rooms around the CP and the CP itself) and some more red spytech hidden rooms.
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L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
People tell me that I should give up flanking rooms wit the last C and make it a more open area where the red have to walk to go to the other points
Here's an early and crude proposition.

I remove all the upper left the map, and replace it with a wide open area (red square). The Cp would be encased in a relatively opened building (purple). The Spawn is set in the corner (yellow). Two Defensive positions are available on nothern and western parts of the zone.


L420: High Member
Feb 1, 2009
We played this map last night and had a lot of fun. The map played really well and everyone had a good time. It is pretty open but it isn't too chaotic.

The last point was pretty difficult to cap, however one team was able to cap it eventually in all four rounds that were played.

I wasn't around the whole match so I don't have any specific feedback but the map did get good ratings and is now in our regular rotation.



L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Thank you for your feedback. Well, this time it should be the last minor revision of the seventh build, casablanca_b7d. The first post has been updated accordingly

I've added red only doors to give them some haven in their regular routes toward C. This whole area is still reachable by blu members, but they can't go and cut the red reinforcements as a routine.

Now I'm going to refine the plans about the last CP as explained above. As always, feedback is welcome :)


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Having had some argument with a secondary admin about map tests, I cannot count for internal testing for some time. So I'm counting on you for gameplay feedback.
I'm going to begin the heavy reshaping of point C, so any feeling about the first two CP would be very appreciated.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Do you guys have the feeling that the map lacks space ? People used to the previous revision (B6) adress me complaints about the map being too cluttered.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
I've resumed mapping recently with a heavy rehaul of casablanca. The new alpha (yes I'm back in alpha) doesn't have a cluttered feeling anymore and is more speedy. I still have to solve issues with the last control point, to give defender more ease and avoid blue player going for a direct attack on the spawn zone.



L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Since the map has quite grown in size, red had a hard time defending, I've just added a forward defensive spawn to make up for this. The last point has been tweaked for heavier defensive advantage.

Here's the door for the forward spawn, under the last capture point. This spawn is in use until BLU cap both first points.

And some views of the last CP, I've only begun texturing a bit things

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