
CP Burley a25


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-pushed back b
-removed spawn teleports for blu
-when A is capped, blu now keeps their first spawn for 5 seconds before moving to their 2nd
-moved around things in C's lobby to try and make it more favorable to blu
-redid basic logic to try and fix weird respawn time problems where they are higher than they should be
-redone logic should also fix the map ending when server time runs out, instead of round time

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-added some windows to let blu see things better
-moved around some corner geometry to try and make less blind corners for blu
-added some cover to C
-removed full ammo under A
-pushed indoor route to A closer to the main path to make it a quicker and less awkward route
-added ramp to low building by A
-probably some other things

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-moved around some stuff at B
-moved around cover and routes at C
-lowered cap time for C
-raised respawn time for red when defending C
-tried to make roof between A and B more obvious that it can be stood on
-added no builds to slanted parts of said roof
-removed a concrete block to make it more difficult for engies to get on top of said roof
-fixed door being able to be shot through at A
-fixed blu being able to get into their 3rd spawn through the upper doorway
-rearranged lobby between B and C to try and get blu to use the left path more opposed to mainly sticking with the right
-moved C farther into the middle of the room and away from red spawn
-adjusted cover at blu spawn to block a sniper sightline
-adjusted some health and ammo
-brightened up indoor areas

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