Broken entity list



are you sure about trigger_push? i think the problem is not that it wont push up or down, it's that player movement in tf2 is coded to prevent sudden movement changes.

trigger_push can push up or down.
Oct 25, 2007
are you sure about trigger_push? i think the problem is not that it wont push up or down, it's that player movement in tf2 is coded to prevent sudden movement changes.

trigger_push can push up or down.

I've tested it. It will push on the X and Y axis, but not on the Z axis. There is the option for up and down, but when you stand in the trigger nothing happens. If I have the Z axis set to -45, I still get sent on the X axis, but not the Z axis.


L1: Registered
Jan 16, 2008
Yea, that [func_door_rotate] works fine. I made a map with standard house doors, that rotated 90 degrees when opened, and -90 when closed etc. Rotate is fine :)