Thanks for all the good feedback!
While the custom icons helped a little. All the signs in the map were labeled A, B and so on. And I had no idea what point actually was A on the hud.
This was the first thing I fixed after the playtest. I've added the letter icons to all of the point icons and also, placed them in the order they appear to the
attacking team as many people had trouble finding them.
That Ice point seemed easy to defend since there was no flanking route for offence.
I will get to this at the end of this post.
jpp said:
I liked this map! I like that there are open areas and overall design is nice. The graphic design is good and the fits the theme.
Thank you.
It was quite frustrating few times to enter the snowy area where you had to jump?
I have added a patch of snow and a player_clip brush to the display case and an alternate route that leads behind the point rather than into the ridiculously easily defended facing room.
Uraik said:
Quite a maze like map. The design may be simple in itself, but the constant direction changes are quite a distraction at start. And there are those spot with fence doors waiting to be opened... You did quite a good job with sign, especially the multi arrow right at the exit of the red spawn, but that spawn on itself features way too many doors opened at the same time. Kinda kills the team cohesion.
I've taken all of this into account for the next version with much simpler directions and routes that actually lead to where you would expect them to.
As for the last CP, I think the little door could be opened earlier, since there are a serie of rooms to get through before reaching the silo CP. The silo door on itself creates interesting situations. In both case, gives players a clear prooth that they are in front of the door they seek, and that it's only a question of waiting. The silo door was so slow, I doubted for a moment I was looking at the right place.
I had never tested these doors during a proper playtest and realized with all of the carnage going on in the C room that you couldn't tell that the doors were opening at all. The doors in the next version will be larger, faster and far more obvious with big flashy lights and a siren of sorts.
Terr said:
It could also be an "sea-lab"-style underwater room with glass holdin the water out. (Would have to use a custom glass material to mimic any ripply water effects.)
Which point are you talking about?
It will be at least another week before the next version is released as I have started from scratch based on the four playtests I participated in this week. 75% of the map will remain the same as I am keeping the same basic layout. The reason for the restart is a lot of the points were far too easy to defend and required more access to the attacking team. The a4 version doesn't have any room for more routes and I have also recently discovered this awesome little thing called prop_static... for some reason I was under the impression that every single prop in my map needed to be a prop_dynamic and couldn't figure out why I was getting a VERY FULL!!! warning next to my entity list every compile.
In terms of progress, I have finished recreating the entrance, RED spawnroom(s), Winter Room with
3 access routes, main hallway (
which is smaller yet will now offer players a much better view of the levels layout) and most of the outdoor area. C will be nearly identical to the last version except with alternate routes coming in through the sides, rather than all from the front and the basement/rocket CP will only have changes regarding path finding and cover.
I will post screenshots of the new capture rooms and layout over the course of the week and I must say, I am very,
berry excited to see what you guys think of the layout changes and how they playout on the next gameday.