Aight, ill be honest here. While I am not overly opposed to this map, I have to say that playing as my favorite (only) character, the medic, this map is extremely annoying. Part of being a medic is trying to get your figurative back to the wall, getting in a position where you wont be attacked from behind and where you can make good your escape when need be.
In this map however people can literally come from every direction imaginable. Not only are there a myriad of ways to enter the A, B and C portions of the map, but theres tons of narrow hallways and blind corners with possible pyros all around.
I understand that youre probably attempting to get away from linear spam fests, but this might be too far in the opposite direction.
My other major complaint is that the map just doesn't look like a real place. Now of course no TF2 map actually looks like a real place, but they at least look like reasonable facimiles of buildings, something that someone would actually design.
As i stated in-game today, your map looks more like say a paintball arena, with ramps and hallways in odd places. I dunno how to quantify it exactly, but most of the indoor areas just seem oddly built.
All that being said, my experience was not overly negative, just sort of frustrating from a healing perspective. I kept feeling the urge not to follow teamates because they were running into areas where i could be ambushed easily.