ARGH! Displacements suck!


L3: Member
Dec 5, 2009
Ok I'm having alot of trouble making displacements. I was following Youme's guide, and it just buggered up my walls.

Can someone with a great knowledge of displacements do me a huge favour?

I want a prefab square cliffwall, I'll explain further;

I have a map with an arena, the size in hammer is 2368.0 x 2368.0


The texture for the displacement cliff-wall should be rockwall006

I need a displacement wall around the entire square, with 2 entry points into the arena, one for each team (one at the top side of the square, one at the bottom side)

Something like this would be nice, only I need it to wrap around the entire 2368.0 x 2368.0 square.:


Many thanks will be given to whomever can create this displacement cliff surrounding for my arena, and upload it for me so I can DL it.

Credit will also be given on my TF2 server (once I've got my map finished and uploaded)
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Aug 10, 2009
Still can't read, can you?

I followed his guide and pictures to a tee, and it buggered my walls up.

Obviously changing the axis won't help, now go away and quit bugging me.

I'm sorry what was that? I'm illiterate you'll have to excuse me.

I can search though, and here's what I found.
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Dec 5, 2007
Congratulations of today go to nerdboy!

If you had problems with following my tutorial why not bump the thread with exactly what happened as "buggered up" in terms of displacements is incredibly vague. Or you could PM me. (I have an unread PM, maybe that's you? who knows)

People don't really want to do actual mapping for other people as it doesn't really help you learn, its always best to struggle through and do something yourself, even if someone has to practically hold your hand the entire way though it. If you manage it you'll feel better about what you've made and you might even be able to do it again later and better. getting someone else to do it you'll just run into the same problem again later.
(making models for people is another matter)


L3: Member
Dec 5, 2009
Congratulations of today don't go to Nerdboy.

Absurdistof's searching (which led to Badlands displacements, NOT what I'm looking for, and I already saw that guide, it's useless to me) didn't help.

Neither did Nerdboy's illiteracy.

I explained it well enough, and it seems you can't read either, Youme.

I followed your guide step by step, switched to the proper axis', etc, and all it did was pull my walls <-- or -->, and not outwards, which buggered them up.

I've had to delete the walls 5 times now and start over, and THAT is why I've come here looking for some Prefab displacement cliffs. I'm fucking tired of starting over, and I've tried googling for prefab displacement cliff walls, to no success.

You'd think someone here would have the brains to think "Hmm, maybe I should make some Prefab displacement walls?"

Guess not.

I'd prefer it if some half-assed smartass like Nerdboy didn't come in and simply claim that I've not followed the guide properly, and also that some other smartass (Dr. Spud) didn't come in and sarcastically make it seem like the guide is wrong.


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 27, 2009
i'll try to make it, just because i dont have much experience with displacement cliffs, and this would be good practice

however, i cant assure you that it will be good or that i will even complete it, because, as i said before, i don't have much experience with displacement cliffs
Aug 10, 2009
Your rage isn't going to get you anywhere. If it's really this big of a problem, take it in small steps. Make a straight and single brush a cliff, then experiment with corners. Once you can do that make a box and fill it in.

I can understand you frustration but I can't understand why you take it out on the very people you came to asking for help.

EDIT: I linked the tutorial for additional clarification regarding corners. If you could flip the corner, you would have you nice smooth wall.


Dec 5, 2007
You need to calm down a bit, nay, a lot. I can read, and as I say, "Buggered up" is incredibly vague, I still don't know what your problem is, only how you caused it.

I believe you might not be using the proper axis, by that I mean the direction of the normal of the displacement (sticking straight out of it) so if your displacement is facing straight up or down in the top down 2D view you need to be using the Y axis. facing left or right in the top down view is X axis and ground/ceiling is Z axis. Make sure you're using the right one!
Also Like I say in the tutorial use a low distance value so that the points move slowly so that if it suddenly moves the wrong direction you can stop before it zooms off uncontrollably.

And prefab displacement walls would be silly. They might help a few people but then they'd shirk the learning of displacements - an incredibly simple but highly effective tool. Also, almost every application of displacements is different so making prefabs would be verging on useless since everyone would have to alter them so much to fit them into their map and not have them look like every other map that used them.
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L3: Member
Dec 5, 2009
i'll try to make it, just because i dont have much experience with displacement cliffs, and this would be good practice

however, i cant assure you that it will be good or that i will even complete it, because, as i said before, i don't have much experience with displacement cliffs

Thank you. Thank you 100 times over.

All I need is 4 walls, well, 8 basically.

2 for the long sides, and 3 each for the sides with the access to the bases (entry points). Basically, each entry point area would have 1 wall on each side, and a small wall in the middle, high enough to be a doorway. I figure I don't need tunnels like Youme's guide has, I'm just gonna connect them squarely.

I apologize for my anger in the above post, I was recently banned (permanently) from Steampowered forums after a calm debate about the n word. Apparently insulting people (i called a guy an idiot because he called me one) gets you banned. Yet the other guy didn't get banned.

So I lost that resource. I've just been abit angry about that.
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L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 27, 2009
ok, finished it
it's nowhere near perfect, and you'll undoubtably have to tweak it a bit to fix things like this, but (in my (biased) opinion) its a good start

you can download it here
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Dec 5, 2007
I apologize for my anger in the above post, I was recently banned (permanently) from Steampowered forums after a calm debate about the n word. Apparently insulting people (i called a guy an idiot because he called me one) gets you banned. Yet the other guy didn't get banned.

Yeah that kind of stuff generally ends in a ban, You(a mod) can get away with only one ban if you do it right both realise how dumb they've just been but if you get it wrong the one that remains thinks he's won some kind of moral victory instead of just being bloody lucky.

Apology accepted :p


L3: Member
Dec 5, 2009
Also, the reason I'm asking for prefab displacement cliffs (hopefully with curved, connected corners), is because this is the only map I'm gonna make.

It's for my server (which I've shut down until I've made this map), and I want this map to be my first and last map, and a good map too.


L3: Member
Dec 5, 2009
ok, finished it
it's nowhere near perfect, and you'll undoubtably have to tweak it a bit to fix things like this, but (in my (biased) opinion) its a good start

you can download it here

Wow! Looks good :D

Now I have to re-read the tutorial and figure out how to curve the corners :p

Thanks alot man :D


L3: Member
Dec 5, 2009
Ok, question:

I placed the prefab in my map, smoothed out the jutting edges, etc, everything looks gorgeous.

Big props to you, Firest0rm, you do great work.

But my question is this, how do I edit certain parts of the prefab? Whenever I try to click the little spawn guys (I have our mapping resource, so they're blue/red engineer guys) in the doorways, it selects the entire prefab.