
PD Ares a6c


L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 28, 2012
Aulli submitted a new resource:

Ares - Brawl in a greek colosseum with a shapeshifting mid point

An idea I've had in my head for a while has been the idea of a map with a strip of mid that entirely flips around and changes as the round progresses, but for a long time I really didn't know what would be a good way to justify it; after all, that's usually where the objective is, and you generally don't want to eject players from the objective.
Or, well, unless you're designing player destruction, as it turns out.

Every once in a while, mid is highlighted, and shortly after a portal opens...

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L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 28, 2012
Aulli updated Ares with a new update entry:


Changed jump pad route to a simple ramp on the sides.
Flattened mid options, as a temporary maybe not temporary fix until I can potentially figure out how to de-jank movement on the ramps.
Added a temporary extra visual indicator of cap zones until I get better effects.
Tweaked the water in the underworld to be instant death.
Gave players minicrits in the underworld to encourage more fighting.
Prevented fall damage in the underworld.
Made the underworld now exit facing towards mid.

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L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 28, 2012
Aulli updated Ares with a new update entry:

Reworked mids & approach

The ideas are promising, but the layout I had before was not delivering, so I've ripped out everything between the doorways outdoors and mid and remade it, as well as reworking all 3 mids to be less cramped.
Shrunk the spawn courtyards significantly, and made rotating between the left and middle entrances easier.
Reduced respawn times, increased time the cap zone is open, and reduced the time between mid transitions as well.
Fixed various bugs, including a temporary overkill solution to stop...

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L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 28, 2012
Aulli updated Ares with a new update entry:


Changed the mid upheaval to throw players up and to the side instead of dragging them to the underworld.
Added an event where potions with random effects will spawn around the map for a short period.
Added various gates that lead to the underworld opening up as an event.
Every 35-ish seconds, a random event triggers.
Fixed a bug where mid could get stuck in its rotation.
Reduced the amount of cover at mid.
Various more small little tweaks and fixes.

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L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 28, 2012
Aulli updated Ares with a new update entry:

Some bugfixes

Fixed Arena A (Orange) not having a capture zone, whoops.
Fixed Arena B (Green) having a misshaped capture zone.
Cleaned up some clipping errors.
Shrank the catapult zone to no longer include the sides of mid outside of the flip boundary.
Slightly increased the duration of potion effects.
Cleaned up some minor visual issues.

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L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 28, 2012
Aulli updated Ares with a new update entry:

Beginning of an artpass, With some gameplay tweaks.

Map is mostly artpassed, but with the deadline coming up I figure I should test some gameplay changes.

Added the third wing of the underworld.
Marked potion spawns.
Added braziers around, with player and arrow ignites.
Many tiny little geometry tweaks for detailing.

Changed the end-of-round minigame to have a much shorter setup and timer, but the hunters have haste and infinite double jumps.

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