
PASS Aquarium a15

Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe submitted a new resource:

Aquarium - Play this lethal sport in a soothing, cool tiled aquarium!

This is the first map I've started from scratch and continued until at least one release. I've started a map before but that was before I had nearly as much experience in PASS Time or Hammer, so it never saw the light of day. I'm very excited to be working on my first solo map! This is a massive file size for an a1 because I hate using dev textures, so this is around 70% textured with some custom ones, which fill up a file quickly.

The typical 4v4 PASS Time map has an upper and a lower...

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Aquarium with a new update entry:

Aquarium a2: Raising the Bar (And the Ceiling)

These are a couple of quick hotfixes based on the feedback of a singular person who got to playtest a1.
  • Raised the ceiling by 256 hu
  • Moved tile pillars outward and away from the goal
  • Added hump
  • Gave the carpet a quicksand surface property rather than a... carpet surface property (very low bounce)
  • Manifested Half Life 2 particles; I don't think this worked.

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Aquarium with a new update entry:

It Takes A Village

This update is the first round of playtesting response fixes! Pretty much every change here is a suggestion from one of the 4v4 PASS Time community members.

  • Removed collision on light models
  • Set respawn waves to 0
  • Limited extra bouncy carpet to edges of the map
  • Raised brightness in darker areas of the map
  • Connected main side ramp with secondary ramps for fluid surfs
  • Added new blue and red tile textures
  • Fixed goals sometimes not scoring
  • (Hopefully) fixed...

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Aquarium with a new update entry:


This update fixes some major problems that persisted through earlier versions due to laziness or despite attempts to fix them. Some other minor changes were made as well.
  • Maybe finally got goalfix working, so no more standing on goals
  • Ball pushes around respawn doors function
  • Spawn tunnels enlarged
  • Applied nodraws to roughly 20% of the textures that actually need it :3
  • Added goalie zones
  • Moved polyurethane pillars outward and thickened slightly
  • Adjusted some...

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Aquarium with a new update entry:


I focused on new gameplay elements in this update!

  • Expanded accessible area where sky would be to above the roof
  • Added walkway across the top of the ball spawners
    • Will inflict damage
    • Can be splashed through
  • Cleaved middle platforms in half
  • Split pillars to allow Medic to jump to new middle platforms
  • Enlightened a couple darker areas of the map
  • Lowered cubemap brightness for the millionth time on tile textures
  • Added ball trap to mid to make...

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Aquarium with a new update entry:

The Loose Mid Conspiracy

Wouldn't you know it, the past five goalfixes didn't work? When you keep trying the same thing, it doesn't solve much. Here are the updates this time around:

  • Took a new clipped approach to goalfix
  • Added octagons to goals
  • Added a water-filled tunnel under mid
  • Made side stairs more boring (and more consistent to ramp slide on)
  • Hopefully fixed most of the ramp bugs on the glass side ramps, might still be a WIP
  • Suspended mid platforms from the ceiling to free up mid a...

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Aquarium with a new update entry:

The Power of Minimalism

Writing these patch notes as quickly as possible:
  • Added some lights to more important dark areas
  • Un-nerfed water canal
  • Shrunk center platforms more
  • Slightly lengthened map
  • Removed side pillars
  • Added more demo ramps
  • Added medic jump pads for mid
  • Fell into a spiral over trying to fix refracts in DX80 (didn't fix it tho)
  • Cut normal map size of custom goal texture in half, hopefully reducing map file size by megabytes

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Aquarium with a new update entry:

Wear and Tear

Had a chat with the fellas and came out knowing I needed to get my act together on this map.
  • Reworked mid
  • Gave easier access to the center sky zone
  • Allow the ball to go over the roof to other sky zones
  • Removed water pit
  • Reworked catapults
  • Crushed pillars
  • Added 3D skybox
  • Scrapped refract textures on DirectX8 entirely (hopefully I'll be able to solve the flickering one day, and we can have DX8 refractive water tanks in harmony and bliss)
  • Textured remaining dev...

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Aquarium with a new update entry:

I Can't Think of A Title

  • Straightened corner
  • Removed some cubemaps
  • Improved visibility of certain materials
  • Fixed goal lenience
  • Raised skybox
  • Changed pillar pickups to health
  • Added large health pack to catwalk top
  • I know I'm forgetting something, but I'm tired and I'm writing this days after the map was actually released

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Aquarium with a new update entry:

Tournament Preparations

I've been sitting on this update for a while. I wasn't sure what else would be good to add to make the map more pleasant beyond lowering the center floor; I knew more had to be done, but I wasn't sure what. This is the purpose of testing: This is a transient version to discover what works and what doesn't.

  • Swapped height variation of middle and outer grounds
  • Altered hanging platforms heavily
  • Added ramp glides near side tanks, including modified Medic launch pads...

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Yo Yo Bobby Joe

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2021
Yo Yo Bobby Joe updated Aquarium with a new update entry:

Cup Prank

Pushing an update four days before the draft cup that features this map teehee
  • Removed mid wings
  • Reduced contrast between high and low points on suspended platforms
  • Fixed med launchers
  • Added demo ramps to spawn corners
  • Made pretty window refract textures
  • Increased ramp contrast on mid lower
  • Extended grand staircase
  • Squared off mid suspenders
  • Edged :oops: the top edge of the side wall all the way around

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