"$blendtintbybasealpha" "1"
"$blendtintcoloroverbase" "1" // between 0-1 determines how much blended by tinting vs. replacing the color
"$colortint_base" "{157 150 142}" // put the RGB value of whats being colored when no paint is present, if $blendtintcoloroverbase is 0 then put [1 1 1] here.
"$colortint_tmp" "[0 0 0]"
"resultVar" "$colortint_tmp"
"srcVar1" "$colortint_tmp"
"srcVar2" "$colortint_base"
"resultVar" "$color2"
I think it's new.
Actually, this opens up the question whether modelers can create multiple skins with masked tints instead of full materials (vmts are MUCH cheaper than vtfs) for map props.
It's probably possible...
I think it's new...
It came with Alien Swarm I think. A certain prop type in Alien Swarm SDK can have its colour changed. This is just an overall colour change, and only works well on specific models (they are very neutral in colour, like grey or even just white with an AO map).
This is just adding a mask to that effect I think.