Abandoned/Old Maps


L2: Junior Member
Jan 11, 2016
I had a brief spike of motivation for mapping and I lost my grasp on it. Here are the maps.
ZIP: https://www.dropbox.com/s/785u9f5u6o2s28z/Old or Abandoned Maps.zip?dl=0
RAR: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c1tbrdatzd5yhky/Old or Abandoned Maps.rar?dl=0

ABANDONED: Possibly has potential, but I don't want to spend time on these anymore.

leveloverviewa3.jpg controlpoint.jpg

I did get good testing on it I just don't feel like working on it anymore. I would like partial credit if anyone uses this.


overviewa2.jpg ToB.jpg

This was tested but there happened to not be many people there at the hour so I don't know what to do with this. (plus lazy) Partial credit as well please.


orangemountain_overview.jpg orangemountain_bridge.jpg

I never actually uploaded this map here but it was an old MVM map I tried creating. It's functional but extremely linear even for MVM. I have pop files included but don't use the "realdeal" one because it will crash your TF2. (unless you want shits and giggles like I did; SMG Snipers shooting 1000 bullets/sec was not a good idea...) Honestly don't care if I get partial credit or not.

OLD: These maps are pretty useless and I only included them as a peek for my actual first maps.



A very tiny, fullbright, ctf map I created a year or two ago. Was hella fun to play with 24 bots in a cluttered space.



I have no idea how old this map is and I have no memory ever creating this. Complete trash.
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(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
I'll take up cp_drought, if no one else has.
Jul 6, 2015
I might use the mvm map once I look at it in hammer

Any chance you can update the dropbox to just have the .zip....
I hate having to use a site to change .rar files, and this file wont convert for some reason using the site.
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Three Million

L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 2, 2015


A very tiny, fullbright, ctf map I created a year or two ago. Was hella fun to play with 24 bots in a cluttered space.



I have no idea how old this map is and I have no memory ever creating this. Complete trash.

Swiggity Swooty, I'm Coming for That Booty. Count either one, or both as claimed. This should be fun.