Hi there! I made a small review video of your map

hope you enjoy it
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkoHQUpbkQ8&feature=youtu.be
Wow im so flattered; Lucative reviewed my first map hahah!
I appericiate the feedback man! I threw out what I had last night my friends wanted to play on it; i totally forgot to turn on the clipping and all that. I fully intend on finding every one of those edge bugs and fixing those, but thats a lot of tedium while i havent even flushed out the layout fully yet; but def will have a good amount of that before I have 6's players test it.
1) I've had a lot of people say they didn't like the shutter, which surprises me a bit. I orginally had it because I wanted to make it so the team holding the point wouldn't be able to know the other team was about to push out; also it would prevent spamming into that building. Since then I did some height in there so you might be right; ill remove it in the next version and see how it plays.
2) This was the first full compile I did with the 3d skybox and all the tree foliage, and it is much darker than I want the end result to be. I'm not sure how to go about fixing that, I was planning on getting some more expert help haha. I agree, there needs to be some lights and I do need to brighten up the map quite a bit.
3) I didn't even consider how to do a foward hold on the map. I'll keep that in mind; I want to redo a bit of that transition area anyway. I was thinking it might be cool to have a "tree platform" to fight on, so maybe Ill play with that idea.
4) Dropdown I had because I wanted a "flank" route to go out of, so that you could try to sneak a scout or soldier sack in. Also if a defender wanted the pack they would have to completely leave combat to get it, and risk getting dropped on by the enemy. I will leave that in there for now and see how it plays. If it does become a "death trap" then I'll take your suggestion.
5) I've had a mixed bag of feedback about the fences. I think they need to be high to prevent really crazy bombs. One thought was to put up a wall there and put a 1 way window in it. Not sure. I'll prob go with your suggestion and make the forward one fully opaque.
6) The rocks on the point I would def be hesitant to change. I will add some smooth clipping on them to try to help movement on them. I thought I might make them a bit taller to provide better cover for medic. This is def something I will want to have some play testing on and see how more players feel about it
7) You're right about the balcony; it is too narrow. I will open that up a bit in the next version
8) The roof over the patio on mid, i've had a number of people say the same, so I'll be trimming that building as well. Also if sniper could get up there it's too strong of a position since he can mostly safely see all the entrances. I'll prob go back to slanting the roof and trimming it back so that the tree blocks the view
This is good feedback and I really appreciate you making that vid. To anyone reading this i'm 100% open to suggestions and feedback, I want to make this map as fun as possible!