
CP cp_freightline a9

I dinne ken

Has currently had enough
Apr 16, 2016
cp_freightline - Having another bash at 3cp a/d

Another 3CP map, took me around 3ish weeks this time.

Contains fewer angles than cp_obtuse, but still some. B point was probably my favourite area to work on, ever. My biggest worry is probably a large sightline from B to C. Though I've done things to combat it.

Don't know if I'll be able to update this too regularly for a while after I post a1. Got prelims and exams I need to worry about. But we shall see.

Was called cp_glory in the WiP thread.
Last edited:

I dinne ken

Has currently had enough
Apr 16, 2016
It's update time!



Overview of changes

  • Redid spawns completely.
  • Halved all of the spawn times as a "that'll do" fix. I'll do it properlike next version if need be.
  • Made medium changes to A.
  • Small changes to around B.
  • Remade pretty much everything after B.
Specific changes

  • Added white planks around the door frames.
  • Redid the wooden boards/walls to be more consistent and to look better.
  • Added cubemaps.
Before A
  • Did some very minor detailing.
  • Added a new elevated exit that looks onto the slope leading up to A.
Around A
  • Altered the building where Red's old first spawn was is now a powerful sentry spot/high ground above A point. Still kept the one-way door though, as I feel it should make the area more interesting. Got a wee bit of detailing in the upstairs bit too.
  • Altered the larger part of the building where Blu's weird old forward spawn is so it's now out of bounds for the most part. However, I have added a new side route that goes through it onto A point.
  • Altered the smaller part of the building where Blu's weird old forward spawn so it's now a room with a masher. Over this masher is a plank of wood with a small health kit on it. Precariously near the point, I might add.
  • Added lighting underneath the alcove that the building that Red's old first spawn has.
  • Added a pillar in the middle of the lower part of the building that used to be Blu's old spawn.
  • Removed the stairs up to Blu's old spawn.
  • Removed the small health on the purple plank that goes onto A.
After A/Before B
  • Added a wooden board before the entrance to the route that goes onto A point.
  • Added a prop jump up to the ledge that has the two routes that lead up to the point.
  • Added some big industrial windows that would look into Blu's old forward spawn (if it still existed).
  • Added some lighting underneath the underpass that leads to B.
  • Added a small, bold and brash purple plank.
Around B
  • Added Blu's new forward spawn. It's built into a pre-existing building that's just about big enough.
  • Added lighting underneath the walkway.
  • Removed an old slope that led to nothing (that I thought would be used as a decloaking space for spies). It's been replaced with a low building that has barbed wire on its roof to stop people from thinking you can jump up there.
  • Removed a box near the underpass to C.
After B/Before C
  • Removed Everything onwards from this point.
  • Added Red's first spawn.
  • Added a freight container with a prop jump to the top of it. On the said container, there is a small health kit.
  • Added a small shed building with a roof you can get on.
  • Altered the scaffolding/walkway on the other side of the underpass that goes towards C so it's wider and has more cover from potential sightlines.
  • Added some signs that direct Red where to go that will disappear once B is capped
  • Added a building that acts as the entrance to the main paths through to C. It has some nice dormer windows; the angled dormer windows were very fiddly to make but look good I'd say.
  • Added a route underneath C point that opens only when B is capped, I did this because it would be enticing to Red players coming out of Red's first spawn if it was able to be accessed at first.
Around C
  • Added cover on the edge of the point so that you can't immediately shoot at attackers coming out of an exit.
  • Added a decloaking spot for spies underneath an alcove.
  • Added a small route that goes underneath Red's spawn. Should allow for easier movement in that area for the defenders, at the cost of being in a very tight area if they are caught.
  • Added an area that I expect to be a good sentry spot.
  • Added a prop jump up to said spot.
  • Added a freight truck for a bit of cover for said spot.
  • Added some wooden boards around the higher spawn exit to give defenders some breathing room.
  • Added a big "Red Bread" decal to a wall out of bounds.
  • Added a copy of those industrial windows to an out of bounds building.
  • Removed a conveyor that went over the train tracks. (Will probably re-add, but I wanted to get this out the door)
Cool things
  • I really like the way I've done the spawns that change throughout the round: I've made a nonsolid, fake door with the no entry sign texture that is in exactly the same place as the actual door brush entity. I disable it/enable it when need be. I also have signs above the doors which are dynamic props which I can enable and disable.
  • There is a bunch of barrels you can jump off as the Scout to get onto C quickly.
  • I plan to add a new, map-wide detail every version. Such as struts in the ceilings or lamps or telephone poles or something.

This was a huge ass update. I don't know if I'll be able to work on this map for a while but we'll see. I hope it plays well is all.

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I dinne ken

Has currently had enough
Apr 16, 2016
A3 Babyeee



Overview of changes

  • Made the distance from Blue spawn to A smaller
  • Gave Red a place or two to defend B from
  • Made the distance from B to C smaller
Specific changes


  • Redid the white doorways to be flush with the wall (they don't stick out anymore). Makes the map look better even if they are more fiddly to make. While also looking more congruent with the shacks and etc.
  • Added some strip lighting in places that arguably needed it.
  • Added 10 seconds to the setup timer. Should make engies more likely to set up in a sentry spot I'd quite like them to around A.
Before A
  • Moved the dump truck to another location so it doesn't completely block sight out of one of the exits out of Blue spawn. I don't think I need to worry about sightlines that will come because of it because cover works out well.
  • Moved the building with "Captain Dan's wood pulp" forward a bit, subsequently changing the lobby area to be a bit smaller.
  • The moved forward building also affected one of the wooden board cover things. It's now on a slant and less confined.
Around A
  • Doubled A's cap time to give Red more time to set up for B as it seemed a bit of a pushover.
  • Changed the valley thing (I can't think of a word for it) so it's less wide. Used to be 512 units wide now it's 320 at it's thinnest. Should be easier to get around now.
  • Because of this, the shack across from A is now 192 units wide.
  • Removed the redundant high ground in the form of an open window above A point. It's now unreachable and only for decoration. It led to the creation of the next bullet point:
  • Added a new sentry spot for A point through the doorway in the heaviest used route to A from Red's first spawn, it's got a medium ammo pack.
  • Changed the small health kit over the musher into a medium.
  • Moved a pile of planks in the lower route leading out of A to give the health and ammo more visual presence.
  • Changed the large health pack in the lower route leading out of A to a medium.
  • Added some windows in the musher room.
Around B
  • Doubled B's cap time as it seemed a bit of a pushover every time it's been tested.
  • Redid the building that has the underpass inside of it so it's now a good sentry spot/defensive point for Red that has a good sight over the point. It's also got a drop down into the area before C that can be used by Blue spies trying to traverse around there or as a flank if Red is pushing out of their spawn somewhat while holding C. It's now not got that walkway up into it around the back of it (from B point's perspective). Hopefully, people will find it easy to get into. There's a somewhat out of the way entrance and also a prop jump up to it.
  • Changed the underpass so it's somewhat less noticeable and 192 wide instead of 256.
  • Changed the large ammo pack in that high ground near the steep-roofed building to a medium.
  • Added a Blue sign that will appear once B is capped directing Blue team better to another route up to C.
After B/Before C
  • Moved pretty much everything after the new and improved high ground around 256 units closer. Deleting an out of bounds part of the building with the B sign on it in the process.
  • Added a pile of pallets and crates for cover and also for interesting micro-gameplay in the area before the lobby area before C point.
  • The prop jump up to C around Red's first spawn is now able to be done by any class if they know how to C-tap.
  • Added some windows looking out over a path up to C that Blue takes.
  • Added a bold and brash Red plank to catch Red's attention as they come out of their first spawn to then make them go down a path.
  • Redid Red's first spawn's internal layout as the space around it has been altered.
  • Turned on a light in the room with the angles inside it.
  • Moved some doorways on the left side of the large lobby building before C to mitigate sightlines.
  • Made a shack that you can get onto the roof of smaller.
Around C
  • Kept Red's respawn time as 7.5 seconds after B is capped, used to change to 5 seconds.
  • Changed a medium health pack in a building that leads to a small high ground above C point to a large. To encourage engies to use it as a sentry spot.
  • Added a prop door to an out of bounds building's roof.
  • The new visual aspect I promised in the last update was taken up by me making the doorways flush with the walls. I should add stairs in a4 though.
  • This map is to be used in a CLTF2 tournament. Which is pretty awesome.
I'm hopeful for this version. I think it should be a lot smoother to play as I downsized quite a bit in some important areas. Pretty huge update this one, too. Didn't take nearly as long as a2 did to create, however.

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Mar 23, 2010
Plz finish this :)

not sure exactly what i'd change but B was kinda perfect. C is cool. A idk about at all.


L1: Registered
Jan 13, 2019
quite a brutal sightline from this gate into part of BLU's spawn
( the red circle highlights the BLU spawn door )


I dinne ken

Has currently had enough
Apr 16, 2016
I think it should be fine. The lowest part you can shoot to is this in the spawn.


You would have to jump up to get hit by it.

I dinne ken

Has currently had enough
Apr 16, 2016

Overview of changes

  • Added a new route after A.
  • Hopefully fixed a couple of sightlines.
Specific changes


  • Added fancy stairs.
Before A
  • Gave Blue spawn a nice window to look out of in the dropdown exit.
  • Moved a doorway to give advancing Blue players more space to "flow". Inadvertently deleted a sightline (even if an unuseful one) from near A to Blue spawn.
  • Added a small health kit to the shack that leads to the purple plank over to A. Should encourage people to be in that area more.
  • Added a sign that will enable once A is capped. Should better direct people into the new route that I've made.
Around B/After B
  • Added a new route that opens once A is capped that leads down to a dropdown in the pit with the red train. It's got a window which gives a bit of knowledge of what's out there to the attacking players before they commit to leaving.
  • Re-added a sign that tells you that you can't go through a one-way door.
Around B
  • Added a sign that is in the same position as another near the underpass to A. It will enable once B is capped, and the irrelevant one will disable. It's to help Blue go in the right direction once out of spawn.
After B/Before C
  • Added a medium health-kit to the defensive point overlooking B.
  • Made the shed with the roof you can walk on larger to give a bit more cover.
  • Moved some doorways to hopefully some annoying negate sightlines.
  • Changed around some cover/scaffold to hopefully negate a sightline.
  • Made the prop jump up to C more doable (no more C-tapping is required).
  • Moved some spawn doors for Red's first spawn.
Around C
  • Added a small ammo pack behind some barrels in a lower part of the area around C. Intended as a sneaky place for decloaking spies.
  • Added a window that looks out onto a most likely sentry spot for Red. Just an experiment right now.
  • I might make the lighting distinct based on what area it's in. I might also add ceiling braces and struts etc. Maybe also outdoor lighting props (even if they're not active).
  • Making stairs with overhangs on odd slopes with angles added in there is difficult, to say the least. But they look hella nice so I think it was worth it.
Having people really like B point was a great feeling last test. I'm pretty hopeful for this map's future. No pictures this time, nothing's really changed visually.

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I dinne ken

Has currently had enough
Apr 16, 2016



Overview of changes

  • Changed and added routes
Specific changes


  • Added lampposts around the map, some that are on in places that arguably needed to be lit up better. Some that are off and just for decoration.
  • Added some skybox optimisation. It will hopefully help with performance. (I really should learn how to optimise better).
Before A
  • Added a crate around the stairs going into the building with the "Captain Dan's wood pulp" sign.
After A
  • Added some planks to the lobby before B to give Blue another high ground to punish any Red players that come through the overpass. These planks also serve as another route to B through the new one-way door which I'll talk about next.
  • Changed the one-way door to invert once A is capped, so Blue players can get through it but can't back out of it once they have done so. Should make attacking B easier and the area before B a bit more interesting.
  • Added a small healthkit on top of the train carriage.
Around B
  • Removed the platform above B and enlarged the building with the one-way door to give Red less of a view over the underpass. While also giving Blue more of a stronghold in that area (which although strong, is hard to get to).
  • Increased the width of that area that used to be part of the stairs up to the platform.
  • Added a crate which has a ladder you can walk up leading to the top of it. Giving players another small high ground to play with.
  • Changed the main route's slope up to B so it's more gradual. Just an experiment
After B/Before A
  • Added a new route that goes up to the 2nd level of the main building before C on the left side (from Blue's perspective) around the shipping crate. Should make Blue's attack on C more interesting.
Around C
  • Added a small platform/cover on the point which I think Blue will find more use for than Red will and should generally make the point more interesting to play on.
  • Moved some red barrels to the other side.
  • I think I may move to Beta soon if people feel it is ready enough. It's screaming for non-grey walls.
  • I tried naming this map cp_freightline_a5 multiple times, but whenever I did the game crashed for some reason. a4, a5a and a6 are fine. But for some reason, a5 isn't liked. Even if I took another map and renamed it to cp_freightline_a5, it would crash my game. Idk why this happens but ah well.
I was arsed to do pictures this time.

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I dinne ken

Has currently had enough
Apr 16, 2016

Specific changes


  • Added small decorative struts above spawn doors.
  • Made the size of the patches underneath pickups consistent based on the size of the pickups.
Before A
  • Removed a medium ammo pack in the first lobby area.
Around A
  • Added a forward spawn for Blue once A is captured. It's in the building where there used to be a decorative internal overpass that led to darkness. Should make the walk that Blue has once A is capped less arduous.
Around B
  • Added a sign to help with navigation for Red.
Around C
  • Added a missing clip for a railing.

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I dinne ken

Has currently had enough
Apr 16, 2016

Overview of changes

  • Overhauled C so it's got a (hopefully) good sentry spot.
  • A few small things.
Specific changes

  • Added roof supports for all the angled roofs.
Before A
  • Added hazard tape to a one-way dropdown to signify that fact.
  • Changed the internal layout of part of Blue spawn.
Around A
  • Added a medium health kit to the one way dropdown in the building with the overhang.
  • Lengthened some cover around the point to negate a sightline that nobody was abusing, but I was still worried about.
Around B
  • Added a medium ammo pack quite near the point.
Around C
  • Removed a doorway that looked over the point in a raised route. Should help with making defending more manageable.
  • Changed Red's spawn quite a bit. In part of Red's which used to be just a normal bit of spawn room; there's now a defensive nest sectioned off with a one-way door. It has a large ammo pack inside. Should be a nice holding point for Red while also being a bit risky as you can easily get trapped inside if the attacking team is overwhelming.
  • Up to this defensive nest, there's a staircase that should make the point a bit more interesting to play on. You can also hide underneath this staircase.

This is probably going to be the last version that I put out before the CLTF2 tournament unless I need to quickly fix something. It was really fulfilling hearing that people had fun playing the map last test. It means a lot to me.

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I dinne ken

Has currently had enough
Apr 16, 2016

Overview of changes

  • Changed before B on the suggestion of Phi (it rhymes so it must be good).
  • Hopefully optimised somewhat.
Specific changes


  • Added fade-outs on all the light props.
Before A
  • Added a clip to the top of Blue spawn that wasn't there for some reason
Around A
  • Changed Blu's initial spawn time from 5 to 7.5 seconds. On the suggestion of Phi.
  • Removed the death pit. Added some cover in that room, don't know how it'll play with that medium health kit being so easy to get to (and next to the point). But we shall see.
  • Changed some geometry leading up to the point slightly.
  • Added some more lighting to the building that hangs over the courtyard area for B.
Before B
  • Removed the part of the plank route which led to the weird sequential one-way door. I'm keeping the large plank which leads up to the small health.
  • The area which the sequential one-way door used to lead into is now a safe point for Blue to obtain. Without the doorway that leads onto the point.
Around B
  • The one-way door building that you get to via the walkway across Blue's 2nd spawn is now a dropdown instead of a one-way door. On the suggestion of Yrrzy.
Around C
  • The new room that Red can defend from no longer has a one-way that leads to it, it's now a normal door.

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I dinne ken

Has currently had enough
Apr 16, 2016

Overview of changes

  • Changed before and around B.
  • Changed cap times of A and B.
Specific changes

Around A

  • Changed the cap time from 25 to 15 seconds.
  • Fixed a broken areaportal.
After A
  • Changed the once one-way dropdown into a normal door with a drop at the other end. Gives Blue a high ground over the lobby area before B.
  • Added a medium healthkit in the room with the sentry spot that doesn't have the high ground over the point.
  • Added a small cover to negate a nasty sightline.
  • Removed a medium cover.
Before B
  • Added stairs up to the once redundant room to add a new route.
  • Gave Blue more cover in the lower route.
  • Removed a prop jump by the train that nobody was using.
Around B
  • Changed the cap time from 30 to 10 seconds.
  • Added a new door that looks over quite a bit of B. It has a plank as cover on one side and a plank underneath to also give a bit of edging out room.
  • Edited the long walkway to give whoever's on it more cover by giving it a roof, raising the wooden board props by 32 units, and also replacing the metal sheets that looked like bacon with more definite cover.

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