Map by wo0 (STEAM_0:0:196821030)
!zload script by Unfunny (not made during jam)
High in the sky, a mystical land gleams...
Mix your jumping skills with your ZE skills...
May you Rest in Peace!
This map was developed during the 2024 72 hour mapping jam
25 hours of development...
Map by wo0 (STEAM_0:0:196821030)
Made for 2023 72 Hour Jam
Map is approximately 7-9 minutes long
Map does use some ZE plugins for chat messages (ze_map_say), map timers (ze_map_timer) and map items.
After the events that taken place in ze_breezy, the Magical Metal Box has evacuated...
72 hour Jam entry
Map by wo0 https://steamcommunity.com/id/imawoo/
Approximately 8-11 minutes long, 1 stage map
Unfinished as of now
Uses point_servercommand "say" commands
This is a map engineered for an upcoming 4th community take on the zombie survival concept. This time however, things will get done right.
Instead of adding crazy health modifiers and ridiculous movement boosts, Team Fortress: Zombies decides to keep class individuality as a core value. Scouts...
Science's Biggest Mistake
A team of scientists have invented the zombie virus after an experiment gone horribly wrong.
Realizing how humanity is endangered if these super infected breach the lab, your survivor team must escape the underground lab to contain the virus and blow EVERYTHING UP...
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