tf2 frontline

  1. EArkham

    Soviet KV2 Tank B1 - Link fix

    SOVIET PROPS Created by EArkham 2016 Some content is derivative of official Valve content, all rights reserved. A collection of custom models and assets for a World War II era Soviet setting. Should be compatible with the Frontline...
  2. ExtraCheesyPie

    Fishfood A3

    MY FIRST ctf MAP FOR TEAM FORTRESS 2! After your team's undercover Spy goes silent, your team decides to retrieve the intel themselves. Luckily, you both already have active bases on Fish Island. It should be a cinch, right? Set on a very spy-techy semi-frontline themed island, heavily...
  3. the_rad

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Koth_Reach_a4 A4

    I hate this map. I made it for the 72 hrs jam.