Steeltype transformed into a symmetrical gamemode!
Capping the other team's C point wins the game. Capturing A and B makes attacking C easier and harder for the enemy team to defend. Both teams attack and defend.
The main version of this prefab has 6 control points, but I also made an 8cp...
Symmetrical 5cp in the Vietnam jungle. To match cp_orange I need to put mid on a tower, but the tall building and narrow ramp/interior gameplay won't work so I put it on a bridge instead. The surrounding water is a deathpit. Unsure if the bridge will work, might lower it and remove the deathpit...
(Honestly, I was planning to make the map file show as cp_panhandle_event but change to Painhandle once the map is loaded. Turns out, those Halloween renames are hard-coded by Valve, much to my disappointment. ^^; )
There is an old tale, told as a campfire story in the Oklahoma Panhandle... A...
Simple 5cp map inspired by Powerhouse. Much like the tag line and name suggest, the map takes places in a junkyard full of hazards, in which both the Red team and the Blu team will try to completely take over by capturing each others capture points. Enjoy
"What kind of a Doohickey is this?"
-Gordon Freeman
it's a quite small and simple symmetrical 3cp map. team areas taking place in a building, and mid taking place outside in a tight small area with 2 flanks
my second serious map ever, name simply picked because i...
Goldrock Gulch is a from-the-ground-up remake/adaptation of Warpath from Team Fortress Classic, originally made in 2009 by the one and only Fishbus. The map features the very rarely-seen Symmetrical 7CP gamemode, something of which has basically...
Greetings! Welcome to the devlog of Hotdogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades! We're gonna start off as always with a quick sound check. Make sure your speakers aren't up too high...
So what have we got for you this week? Well, I've been hard at...
Simple symmetrical KOTH map, my first TF2 map. Small and open, designed with all classes but especially movement classes in mind.
I'm using this project to learn and get used to TF2 level/game design, so please give as much feedback as you can!
If you want an inside peak on the development...
Both RED and BLU have been dropped off at whatever trainyard their convoy's broke down in first, obviously their first reactions were to participate in a gruesome conflict to see who takes control of it whilst the respectful owners are out for the day, though not before panicking and teleporting...
Inspired by a particular microcontest map I made
Did a 5hr sprint on the initial idea from 11pm-4am
Then came back the next day to add lighting, spawns, pickups, cubemaps, soundscapes etc.
It's a beautiful morning in a remote part of the Oklahoma Panhandle... The sun is shining, the birds are singing... and the mercs are already blowing each other up at 8:30 in the goddamn morning. Typical...
CP-Panhandle is my attempt of making a more-serious "Cloak" style 1CP map with a focus...
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