
  1. Wichilie2

    Prevent train from pushing players into brushes

    I'm working on a map that has a moving train that passes underneath some brushes. However, when players ride on top of the train they get pushed inside the brushes and become stuck: To prevent this I've tried to add a trigger_teleport inside the brush to nudge the player outwards...
  2. Minebot45

    Payload stuck in place?

    There exists a version of Badwater where the cart moves ten times faster, but unfortunately it's seemingly no longer available on the workshop. Frustrated, I downloaded Badwater off of the decompiled map thread, opened it up in Hammer, adjusted the cart's acceleration and speed values, ran it in...
  3. i_forget_names

    Bots stuck on One-Way Door (solved)

    Hello, I made a CTF map that includes a one way door, but the bots seem to get stuck on the wrong side of the one way door when picking its path. I could not find a thread on valve dev community about this. information: i have not created a navigation mesh myself, i used nav_generate in...
  4. pumpko

    Payload Cart not moving at all

    READ REPLY I've created every entity needed for a payload map, however, when a blue player stands near the cart, the hud displays the arrow for the cart moving, but the cart does not move at all. The cart is raised highly off the ground, but it just refuses to move anywhere. Any ideas?
  5. Cincomma

    Mvm Mapping Help Thread!

    This is a thread for MVM Mapping and discussion. Just say anything you want here about help with mapping and such.
  6. Swizik

    Map is stuck on full bright.

    I was starting to make a map, I compiled it, and then even though I had light entities, my map was stuck at full bright, I tried mat_fullbright 0 but nothing worked. I had never got this problem, please help.