
  1. wadmodder1999

    Early TF2 map concept art, screenshots & sketches of official maps

    Have you guys ever seen the earliest map concept art, screenshots & sketches of official TF2 maps on the useful If you don't know what they look like here's these two links on what they look like with more or less detail...
  2. kiwieee

    trade_aperture_v2 v2

    This is a Portal themed trade map with a unique layout. It's well decorated, & has a safe room. Every area of the map has some sort of decoration, whether it be the outside areas with the broken panels or the couches in the safe room. It's all lovingly portal themed. The map also runs very well...
  3. Tango

    How to Make Good Screenshots on Crappy Computers!

    Hey all, This is a technique I use and suggest for screenshots for people with underpowerd hardware that cant handle high Settings. . Ill be brief, its a single command that everybody should know: host_timescale If you set host_timescale lower than 1 your performance will increase drastically...
  4. Rerun

    prop_physics_override not moving.

    I don't have much experience with physics props and override physics props so I don't know how to fix this problem. A prop_physics_override in my deathrun level that needs to move just stays in place ingame. I tried looking around in the settings for an answer and looking at other examples of...

    I've done nothing but generate map screenshots in the last month [map screenshots dataset]

    Hi all, I've done nothing but generate map screenshots for this game called "Team Fortress 2" in the last month. The result is a dataset of screenshots of the spectator cameras and level overviews from 11.029 gamemaps. To be more specific; it contains screenshots of every spectator camera in...
  6. LadyRaee

    Screenshot config files! v1

    Hello everyone! I've had those cfg files for a while now and seeing (mostly newbie mappers) taking screenshots without viewmodels and HUD I decided to share them! Download contains 3 files: ssa.cfg – screenshot activate – turns screen elements off to take screenshots ssq.cfg – screenshot quit...
  7. Billo

    taking screenshots in very bad quality

    i dont know whats wrong with this but cant take high quality screenshots i tried to put high the graphics to bind F5 and put when i take a screenshot quality 100 thats why crash said in his video ( i dont remember the commant perfectly but yea) what can i do to fix this Problem? please feel free...