
  1. KickTheBuddyFan2016

    gulag A1 alpha 1

    A territorial control map set in a prison during the winter. To download the map click the download button and go into your Team Fortress 2 Maps File ( Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps ) and put the downloaded BSP file into the folder.
  2. MisterMaker_71

    Confinement v3

    Zombie infection map set in an Abandoned Prison filled with zombie hordes... Project was abanded after playtests gone wringe with bug i can't fix :( Assets used: official Zombie Infection prefab and updated scrips from zi_blazehattan.
  3. Diamondbacc

    ctf_rockwater a3

    After playing on the map "rock2" in Team Fortress Classic, I decided to remake it in Team Fortress 2. This unique Capture the Flag map requires players to retrieve the intelligence from the enemy's intelligence room and take it to that team's computer terminal, rather than back to their own...
  4. Everything PC Gaming

    CP_Roadside B1

    WARNING: This map is meant for TF2 Classic NOT TF2 Original! CP_Roadside Takes place in a beach roadside in which has a old hotel that both the RED and BLU team want to take control over and expand their businesses. BLU Team wants to expand and place an edition onto the hotel and the RED...
  5. Skeletonization

    Prison Break [v3.1

    A small prison map [I guess] that experiences some sudden changes in its schedule.
  6. A Piece of Shit.

    Prison Break a4a

    Prison break A nice small map in her early stage. She has three points to capture: The main Hall that makes way for the prisoners to keep going. The messy Canteen that serves terrible food! The Yard where the prisoners have been digging a way out! Meanwhile the Guards need to prevent the...