japan content


    Items are black when facing one side but not the other

    Hello, I'm new to mapping, and while making my first map, I've noticed that these lanterns that you see in the provided screenshots become black when facing a direction, what could be a possible fix for this? (for reference, I think it might be a lighting glitch as my light ent is situated right...
  2. Mess About

    kimitsu 2022-07-03

    kimitsu only has 3 main entrances in-and-out the base , and can easily be controlled from spawn, it's to make sure the game becomes as stalemate as possible. Assets: Japan pack expansion by EArkham and the original Japan content pack by Freyja Screenshots:
  3. Heili

    4Tokyo R03

    4 Teams, 4 Tokyo Rural Tokyo, 4 teams fight in an asymmetrical CTF. Made for Team Fortress 2 Classic. Includes bot support. Gamebanana Mirror
  4. RedTPC

    Rising Sun a4

    It's a stupid map
  5. Ailurus

    Koth Ellius B1

    Hey everyone thank you for coming to check out my map Koth Ellius. This is a map I have been working on over the past 12 weeks, it's my first finished map, so it's a bit rough around the edges but I'm relatively happy with where it is at, still open to feedback though. :D The map is japan...
  6. frankvega

    ctf_taki a1

    - The map right now is not fully playable, the map will be symmetric so when I finish the RED part I will just have to copy paste and edit the necessary things for the BLU part - Stage: Alpha v1 Gamemode(Possibilities): Mainly Invade CTF, KotH, Arena, CP, A gamemode that I will be working on...