

    How to convert a tf2 bsp map to creative 2.0 fortnite

    Hey so I want to import a bsp map into fortnite creative 2.0 and the files it supports (aft, dna, csv ,exr, fxb, flac, ,json ogg, bmp, jpeg, pcx, png, psd, tga, dds, hdr, tif, tiff, wav, gltf, glb, obj) thats trying to import map but I don't know how to import a map that I can just import like...
  2. The Siphon

    Textures refuse to work when porting from Blender to Source

    This is the second model that I've tried to port to Source, but not sure why, but the textures refuse to work. I followed this tutorial: Though despite saying "Gmod", porting them to Source Filmmaker should work the same way. Here are all of the files, including the blender stuff, model...
  3. Simulacron

    VTFedit import problem - Image gets corrupted

    I'm trying to import a texture into hammer, that I want to use as an overlay. Note that the picture has no texture for the background, as it is intended as a logo to put at a wall. I also created a .tga file of this image to avoid any lose of quality.The texture itself is 512 by 512 pixels, so...
  4. B!scuit

    Import .bsp props into Blender

    The update thread for the python script I made for how to import whole .vmf into blender? for now refer to the link for a more in detail release post. | bsp_import_props.blend (layer 3 is Mercenary Park props) | pl_upward.blend | bsp_import_props.vmf & bsp (test map)...