hud icon

  1. Saul goodman gaming

    How set ctf hud in special delivery?

    My map is made in special delivery mode (resource control) but the flag must be delivered several times, so I want to see the score of captures, but it is not there is only a compass that shows where the flag.
  2. Pierogi

    AHUD Steel Control Point Sprites Original Release

    Dock, Shack, Bridge, Door and Main sprites for cp_steel and custom maps which use them. Includes 30 custom sprites made for the five points, three teams (neutral, Red and Blu) and two states (locked or unlocked). Even the unused sprites -- for the neutral points, the unlocked Blu points and the...
  3. CriticalFeesh

    Making the flag picked up icon different

    I need help editing the flag icon that appears at the bottom of the screen to the intel carrier. I dont know where to place the .vtf and I also dont know what to put in the "icon" field of the item_teamflag. I have tried putting it into my custom materials folder and linking the teamflag there...
  4. Brokkhouse

    CCP/CTC Icons v1

    Custom capture point icons for Cyclic Capture Point/Cyclic Territorial Control, as seen on Codex' and mine TCDOM entry ctc_hinterlands. Does not overwrite any files. You may have include this manually when packing with CompilePal. How to install: Unzip into custom/brokk/materials How to use...
  5. r0nii

    How to make custom hud for map? (solved)

    I have made a map which are bit like capture the flag and are almost done. the flag spawns and 30seconds after the flag spawns will explode and the flag will reset. Its unfair because you don't know when will explode till you will count down. Do anyone knows how to make custom hud and put it...
  6. Mystic Monkey

    Custom HUD icons

    What I originally wanted was my own set of "Wheel of Fate" like icons to appear on your HUD under certain triggers. However, browsing past threads on this forum (My attention mostly to this one) I now realise that this is maybe impossible. I believe the closest I can probably get to my desired...