
  1. Dr. Phlogiston

    When the Healing is Just Right 2017-02-10

    This is a drawing I made for the 72 Hour Jam featuring Heavy.
  2. Pack Rikolino

    pootis pow 2017-02-10

    Me Demore m esta obra de arte espero les guste :D y recuerden pootis pow para ti!!
  3. fat french flyer

    . 2017-02-13

  4. ToolMacheem

    TF2 Artwork! JJBA 2017-02-10

    ready 2 tf2 jam! :D
  5. M

    Past 72hr Jam Entry How Mikhail escaped the Gulag with his family 2017-02-10

    A 2 page Narrative on the heavy's escape from the Siberian gulag as depicted in "Meet the Director"
  6. heatingboy23

    sandvich negotiation

    meet the re-animated sandvich, this was fun to make
  7. Red Turpentine

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Say mmph to sandviches! 2016-07-25

    Just a drawing about the new update, Heavy vs Pyro,inspired on soviet propaganda. (Sent a bit late,was having trouble with uploading it)
  8. Silux755

    Past 72hr Jam Entry heavy vs pyro [SFM] V2, fixed download

    heavy vs pyro for 72HRJAM
  9. Maestro

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Team Heavy Propaganda Reupload Heavy Poster

    Propaganda for Team Heavy, inspired in the communist propaganda from USSR. Font used: Buran USSR Brushes used: TF2 Painter's Toolkit made by squeezit
  10. ✨Majora✨

    Past 72hr Jam Entry SFM: Oblivious 2016-07-24

    I spent half of my day working on this, I'm not 100% satisfied with it, but I don't have enough time to work on something else.
  11. Hawt Koffee

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Starless Campaigner 2016-07-24

    A not so subtle reference item for heavy, done for the 72hr jam
  12. Weegue

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Heavy Analysis: The Toughest Mann in Teufort 2016-07-23

    A small analysis of Team Fortress 2's icon. Looking over Heavy's role, his strengths, his weaknesses, and his sandwich. This is a five page google document about the Heavy, and what he provides to the game.
  13. ACFan120

    Past 72hr Jam Entry My Heavy Loadout 2016-07-22

    A quick drawing I did of my favorite Heavy loadout.
  14. Bacon God

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Watch Tower Postcard

    It was kinda rushed but it didnt turn out too bad.
  15. CWardee

    Sandviches 2016-05-18

    Koth_Sandviches is a small, hectic King of the Hill Map set on the Heavy's favourite snack!