
  1. dabmasterars

    Team Flags (waving) V2

    Surprised no one have done this before... The flags sway with the wind. This is done by using $treesway, so you can leave them as prop_static and the animation would still work. To install the model, put the team_flags folder into ...steamapps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf2/custom/. The package...
  2. Jakcie Chan

    pl_genericbuilding a4

    Hi, I made this first map to teach myself how to overall publish maps onto this site and experiencing play testing as a creator. I made this map to try and make flanking classes like scout or pyro be able to still do something vs red engies while making red still be able to defend. I did this...
  3. Erk

    Hey, this title is really generic.

    Hi, my name's Erk, and I've been addicted to making maps in Hammer. I've been doing this for around a month now, and I've made approximately zero maps I am proud of. I think I've got the basics down. I don't get leaks as much, I know how to skip (mostly), and I can utilize props correctly...
  4. Charizard Telephone

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Koth_Generic A6

    A simple king of the hill map created for TF2Maps Summer 2016 72hr TF2Jam.