
  1. Game It

    Ignite V1

    capture the point inside a factory.
  2. Ismaciodismorphus

    Dynamite Fire 10/22/2024

    Collection of the fire particles I made for Will Alfred's Dynamite. Contains: dynamitefx_rooffire_64 dynamitefx_rooffire_128 dynamitefx_rooffire_256 dynamitefx_rooffire_512
  3. Capp

    Methane a9

    This Industrial koth map is smokin' hot and will get you high in the air. Again, there was never such a pd map named zinc with this exact layout. That must be all the carbon monoxide we produce messing with your head!
  4. Pdan4

    72hr Jam 2023 Glitchfire Unusual FX 001a

    This one took me alllll day, and it's a bit past 4:30 am now! (Had to get pics & footage for outside the Jam!). This unusual effect: Bobs up and down to an inaudible groove Glitches out like you know it should Gets glitchy when you take damage or make violent movements! Rotates when you get...
  5. Capp

    Zinc a14b

    Zinc 2 is just a placeholder name until either I rename this one or the original Zinc. What was missing last time was the dynamic element to pd which makes it unique and fun. Hopefully this is it!
  6. Dasprucegoose

    hotandcold Dasprucegoose DO NOT NOCLIP

    Cold, then hot DO NOT NOCLIP THROUGH THE MAP, WALK THROUGH NORMALLY!!! (There are scripted sequences that will break) Custom content packs: KrazyZark's icicles KrazyZark's snow covered props KrazyZark's blue manor assets Diva Dan's ice pack Diva Dan's Bonesaw assets Diva Dan's Graveyard...
  7. Z

    Firepit a1

    My first microcontest submission, first TF2Maps submission, and first finished map. An arena map where the two bases are separated by a treacherous cavern of fire. There are jump pads to help you across, but there are conveniently placed jets of fire in the way, so a slight sacrifice is...
  8. Diva Dan

    Bonesaw b7

    Welcome to Bonesaw! This is a Payload Race map set in a neigh-apocalyptic forest, coated in ash and burning from the inside out. Red's floorboards and walls are full of embers, and Blu's base is twisted from the hot steel. No smoking allowed! The Mann Brothers have had their souls trapped...
  9. FancySnacks

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Double Barrel Flaregun [72h Jam] Alpha 1.0

    Double Barrel Sawed Off Menacing Flaregun for Pyro, do I need to say more? The downloaded file replaces Flare Gun in-game Heavily WIP, needs an actual texture, animation work and some modelling fixies Only started to work on it 10 hours before the deadline as I couldn't start earlier and...
  10. ManDrew53

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Flame Foiled War Paint 1

    I had planned this warpaint for a long time but never had the time or motivation to create it. It was originally supposed to be a version of the Brain Candy warpaint, but black and white while also having skulls on it. It was going to be called Skull Candy, but It evolved as I worked on it for...
  11. DeathZac

    Past 72hr Jam Entry The Pyro 1.0

    This is just some Art I made for the event. It features the pyro and its view of the world when it burns it all down. It isn't amazing, but it's there for fun!
  12. Capp

    Zinc (Old version) a8

    An industrial pd map with a koth layout. Will it work? I hope so because i put one hell of a lot of effort into this.
  13. [TH] S

    Cold Winter 2021-12-19

    This is my poster I made for the 72hr jam. Merry Christmas to everyone!
  14. 14bit

    14bit MC17 A1

    A PLR map made in around 16 hours for MC#17: Earth, Wind, and/or Fire. Featuring: Slow payload elevators (Earth) Jump pads designed to make players collide in mid-air and fall into lava (Wind) Fireballs on a sections of rollback track with a 0.3X speed modifier on the carts (Fire)
  15. 14bit

    Microcontest #17: Earth, Wind, and/or Fire

    Welcome to Microcontest 17: Earth, Wind, and/or Fire Do you remember? The microcontest last September? Well, there actually wasn't one. But there was one in August 2020 based around including water in your maps, so today we're getting all the rest of the elements out of the way! Make a map...
  16. Ismaciodismorphus

    Templeruins v2

    Features! -14 Player controlled traps -5 independent traps -3 Ending choices! 50/50, Humiliation, And a melee fight against a powered up death! -Anti idle mechanics for both-sides -A motivator
  17. ♥Muffet♥

    Pyro discovers their Magic 2017-08-05

    While the Pyro was doing things they discovers that they can summon fire out of their hands.
  18. ambersonic96

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Pyro-time 2017-02-11

    I love the TF2 character design and I wanted to try to summarize how I see the Pyro. Did that work out? Hope so :D Keep it up TF2, awesome game ;)
  19. sans.


    A normal King of the Hill map, originally intended as a joke map. Contains: * 4 sawblades at the exit of each team's spawn; * A burning area with some spilled oil in front of each team's spawn's tunnel exit; * Many sniping spots :) ; * A secret underwater pathway to the control...
  20. PokemonTrainerWesley

    HELP NEEDED Problems with Water and Fire

    So time to ask about another problem. When I run my map, ALL OF THE WATER is invisible. Even if it isn't touching anything. (as shown by pictures of me swimming in the air) However, when you go into the water, it looks like you're actually underwater. I've tried using cubemaps, but those didn't...