NEW AND EXCITING! It's PBO 4_2149a_a1!
Yet more of the enigmatic "PBO" project is upon the masses. A mix of claustrophobic and spacious, you may not see this as often as you would 3_1974a once PBO is fully assembled, but the final, fully decorated 4_2149a will be a jaw-dropping highlight.
...yeah so 1 3341B was kinda meh. But hey, everyone has their off day. This one though, hot damn, I know you'll love. 3 1974A is another experimental Pipeball map that just might make it into whatever the hell "PBO" is.
betcha youd really like to know...
NEW AND EXCITING! It's pbo_1_3341b_a1!
What in the cherry night in the workhouse fuck is PBO? Or 1_3341b? Which are both very good, if bizarrely phrased, questions. Well, it's Pipeball, but different. It's, shall we say, the first stage of an experiment.
The final product will definitely not...
!! VERY IMPORTANT !! sv_point_servercommand needs to be set to "always" or the map won't work! SO DONT FORGET !!
NOT NEW AND HARDLY EXCITING! It's Pipeball! No, not Pipeball Classic. It's Pipeball. The Pipeball. That's right, ripped out of a page of ancient history (like, 2008), it's one of...
Deep within Morty's Discount Cemetary (so cheap they can't afford spellcheck), the RED and BLU teams compete to hit the lethal Black Ball into the other team's open graves. First team to reach three goals wins the map!
But! Spirits roam...
Ho! NEW AND EXCITING! Tis a new build of Pipe Balle, RC2!
One morn I awoke
from my royal slumber
to roars and cheers
t'were they as thunder
To my window I took
and saw quite a scene;
Strange men in my court
in garb most obscene
Half them robed red,
the other half blue,
fighting and killing...
So yeah this shit again
NEW AND EXCITING! It's Spaceball A3!
Space, the final frontier. These are the battles of teams RED and BLU. Their continuing misson: to hit a ball into the other team's goal- to take a break every three minutes- to boldly play ball where no ball has been played before...
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