
  1. TheSpyCrap

    Christmas Comes Early this Year 2017-08-06

    Mad about it being summer, and not winter? Here, have a gory shot of a rather-festive red soldier giving a floored blu soldier a shotgun induced haircut. There isn't very many posters that expand upon the cool (hehe) lighting you can make with the festive lights in SFM. I also thought that with...
  2. Billo

    winter-christmas pack wanted

    in short i am making a winter - christmas themed map for the mvm contest but i cant find a christmas pack to use for my map. i found a birthday one i believe but it doesnt work on hammer for some weird reason. i would like to know if there is a pack that i can use which includes presents..... or...
  3. Startacker!

    Asym2 pl_snowaleen a3

    Payload! My worst nightmare! Nah just kidding. Welcome to Snowaleen! A winter themed Halloween map, yup, you heard me, Halloween in November/December/Any other inferior month! Special thanks to @Exactol for the rad as hell control point particles that SHOULD be packaged properly!